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cristallina ([info]owllight) wrote,
@ 2008-05-20 06:24:00

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I had to steal this meme, because it's just too fabulous to pass up!

Here's what you give me:
1) one of my characters
2) one of your characters

Here's what I'll give you:
1) a letter of some sort written to that character

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2008-05-20 04:26 pm UTC (link)
William to Laura. She'd absolutely die. Of cute, I mean.

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2008-05-20 11:43 pm UTC (link)
Okay, I was really bored and V. was doing origami and I asked her to show me so I made you this flower. It's a little lopsided. Don't make fun.
Want to come over later? There's a Hitchcock marathon on TMC. It's going to be awesome.

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2008-05-21 12:35 am UTC (link)
Dear William,

I would never make fun of you! The flower is really pretty. I pinned it up on the corkboard over my bed.

Yes, I would like to come over. We can only watch Hitchcock movies if you promise to hold my hand at the scary parts, though.

See you later!


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2008-05-20 07:58 pm UTC (link)
Jacob is hoping for a returned letter from Vinny please and thank you~

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2008-05-20 11:54 pm UTC (link)
I WAS HERE, BUT NOW I'M GONE. Actually, I went to get sushi for us. To celebrate your unboubted victory over the job market today. If you need a letter of recommendation or something, I'd be more than willing to expound upon your many merits including your ability to tie a flawless double windsor and your talent at unhooking undergarments one-handedly.

I would also like to note that your brother is a tool and if he says that I drew a moustache on one of his action figures, he's a bold-faced liar.

I'll see you in a bit, handsome.

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2008-05-21 12:06 am UTC (link)
I miss hans/anthony, so hans should write him a letter~~

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2008-05-21 07:24 pm UTC (link)
do you believe that miracles can happen? do you believe in god? i think i've met lazarus. i think i've kissed him and shared my bed with him. i think he's a miracle, but he wakes up with dirt on his hands and he smells like blood.

i can't question it, right?

i think i've lost my mind.


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2008-05-21 03:07 am UTC (link)
Do I have to pick just one? Oscar wants one from Hart, and Morgan wants one from Augie, and and and--!

Tennessee to Oscar!

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2008-05-21 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Pretty Darlin,
When was the last time we had tea together? Too damn long. I guess I'm caught up in Eli, or I just become a boring old man. I don't do much but read & sleep & spend time with him. I got myself a big pair of reading glasses and I got some cotton in my left ear cos it been hurting me. Might as well start wearin socks up to my knees and keeping used tissues in my sleeves. I'm an old old old man.

Don't know why you so tied up with your boy. Just don't make no sense to me. You got some kinda twisted lesbian thing going on with him. Only dykes settle in and never fuck like you two. You two need men, that's what I think.

When we gonna get tea? I'll criticize your relationship some more, it'll be great.


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