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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-12 17:46:00

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Current location:Xavier's
Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, team - x-men

An Anti-Valentine's Day...of Sorts (Open to All)
Joey took a seat with the rest of the players around the table and looked from left to right.

"The name of the game is poker, ladies and gents. Everyone remember the rules?" Joey asked, looking around at the others.

The young children around him all grinned and nodded. And so they played.

And played...and played...and played.

Later in the evening, when Xavier's was fresh out of Teddy Grahams, Joey is sitting alone at the dining room table, wondering what he's going to do with the rest of the Valentine's weekend. There's probably some trouble in the city to get into, but company would be fun.

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2010-02-13 01:32 am UTC (link)
Rose had sat in on the poker game for a while, and done quite well for herself (she'd had a good teacher), and eventually wandered herself into the dining room.

Sure, she was making friends here, but the holiday (even if she was just as single back home) just served to remind her how far away she was.

"Hey, Joe," she said.

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2010-02-13 01:37 am UTC (link)
"Hey, yourself." he said. Rose was probably as good at poker as he was, maybe better. Seeing her around the school was starting to become a highlight of sorts.

"Shouldn't you be out with your S.O., getting showered with gifts?" he asked. "Figured you were just killin' time earlier with the game."

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2010-02-13 01:48 am UTC (link)
Rose shook her head. "Ain't got no SO," she told him.

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2010-02-13 01:54 am UTC (link)
"Oh." he said simply. He didn't figure on that, but then he wasn't sad about it. No guy meant no guy to piss off when hanging out with her.

"The kids seemed to like the poker game. Hopefully, no one talks about where they learned it. Gettin' kicked out of here for teaching a card game isn't high on my to-do list." he says.

He's silent for a moment, before the silence gets to him.

"My Aunt Jenna used to buy me a gift for V-Day, so I knew I wasn't forgotten. Havin' your mom ditch you on every other major holiday kinda does that." he said.

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2010-02-13 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I'm thinking it would," Rose replied. "My dorky brother did all right by me, though. Not that I've ever had an SO 'round Valentine's Day, actually."

Huh. Rose was not, typically, big on sharing. But hey, if he could share, she would too.

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2010-02-13 02:27 am UTC (link)
"It's pretty cool that you and your brother are close. And he thought of you on Valentine's Day, which was cool of him." he says.

"You up for a game?" he asked, shuffling the cards.

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2010-02-13 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," Rose agreed. "He ain't bad for a dork."

She smiled one of her slightly crazy smiles. "Oh, yer on."

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2010-02-13 03:24 am UTC (link)
"Good, found someone who likes a challenge as much as I do." he says, shuffling again, then dealing her the first hand.

"So, let's make this interesting; I win and you tell me something about you. Could be a favorite day, color or food. You win, I do the same." he says.

"You game?" he asks.

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2010-02-13 11:33 pm UTC (link)
Rose considered this, then shrugged.

"Am if you are," she replied.

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2010-02-15 12:58 am UTC (link)
Joey grinned, took a small stack of poker chips from inside his coat, and picked up his cards. The deal turned out much as he thought it would.

Rose wins the first hand.

"All right, first question is yours, Rose. Ask me anything." he says.

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2010-02-15 01:22 am UTC (link)
Rose always did have good luck with the cards.

"All righty," she said, considering. "Let's keep it simple to start. Favorite food?"

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2010-02-15 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Chinese." Joey answered easily. "Especially orange chicken. Although, chili cheeseburgers are really, really moving up on my favorites list." he says, gathering the cards back up and shuffling for the next deal.

He dealt again, offering Rose a slight smile.

This time, the hand goes to Joey.

"Favorite color?" he asks.

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2010-02-15 01:50 am UTC (link)
"Chinese food's good," Rose agreed. "But I kinda prefer Japanese. Sushi, that kind of thing." She grinned before she went on. "Though gotta agree on the burgers thing."

Well, can't win 'em all. "Probably either yellow or blue. Gotta go with the school colors, I guess."

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2010-02-15 02:08 am UTC (link)
"I've never had sushi. Might have to give it a go, sometime." he says.

"I'm not big on blue, but yellow isn't bad. I prefer red myself." he says. This time, he gathers up the cards, and passes them over to her.

"Your deal, pretty lady. Let's see what you got." he challenges.

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2010-02-15 02:18 am UTC (link)
"Got to get it made right, though," Rose added. "Real Japanese stuff. Not some American sushi or nothin'. I know a place. I'll take ya some time."

She shuffled the cards with practiced ease, dealing up the next hand. She lost.

"Your question, Joey."

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2010-02-15 02:30 am UTC (link)
"I'm lookin' forward to that already. People rave about sushi all the time, but I've just had the chance to try it." he says.

He notices her skill with shuffling and again realizes that she's just as good as he is at cards, maybe better.

"What kind of music do you like?" he asks.

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2010-02-15 02:42 am UTC (link)
"You need to then," Rose said. "We'll make it happen."

"Rock, mostly. Older bands, though. Like the Stones and the Who."

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2010-02-15 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Cool. My Aunt loved the Stones. Followed them on tour across Europe when she was seventeen, and loved every minute of it. I usually came home to hear her playing them, the Beatles, or Rush." he smiled as he thought back on those days Down Under, as the Americans called it.

"Have you ever been to any other countries? Like Japan or anything?" he asked.

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2010-02-15 02:54 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," Rose said. "Been to Japan a bunch of times. Dad's got friends there, old teachers and stuff too. Been to Canada and Mexico too, a few times."

She shuffled and dealt, and this time it came up in her favor.

"You speak any other languages?" she asked.

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2010-02-15 03:03 am UTC (link)
He nodded as she spoke and dealt. He'd never been to Japan, but he'd been through Europe himself, as well as Mexico. Foxx took him around after he left home, before they settled in Genosha for a time.

"I'm fluent with Spanish and German, and I've got some passable Italian and French in me. Other than those, nope." he says.

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2010-02-15 03:27 am UTC (link)
"Not too shabby," she told him. "My Spanish is okay, but mostly I know Japanese and a little bit of Quebecois French."

She dealt the next hand, it came up in Joey's favor.

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2010-02-15 03:36 am UTC (link)
"Not bad at all. Hey, you should go to Australia sometime. Lots of things to see and do." he says.

Joey thought for a moment about what question to ask before settling on one.

"Of all the places you've ever been to, which is your favorite?"

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2010-02-15 03:44 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, that'd be good," Rose agreed.

She considered the question. "Hmm..., tricky. But I'd have to go with my 'Aunt' Heather's place, up in Canada. Nothin' fancy about it, but Heather's one of my favorite people in the world."

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2010-02-15 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Hey, nothing like family or favorite people to make a place feel like more than a stop on the journey." he says.

"Do you have a favorite holiday?"

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2010-02-15 04:31 am UTC (link)
"Always did like Christmas," Rose said. "Usually the only time I really got to see mom's side of the family."

"You ever been camping?"

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2010-02-15 04:39 am UTC (link)
"Christmas was always fun back home." he chuckles. "One of the few days out of the year I could count on my old man to be around."

"No, I've never been, strangely. All my time Down Under, not once. I see this place has a pretty deep forest, though. I'll have to try it...as soon as I figure out how to work a compass." he laughs.

"You have a favorite day of the week?" he asked.

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2010-02-15 04:46 am UTC (link)
"Dad took me campin' a lot, growing up," Rose added. She snorted. "Compass? Those're fer sissies."

She shrugged. "One's pretty much the same as the next to me. You?"

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2010-02-15 04:53 am UTC (link)
"There's no way for me to reply to that without admitting I'm a sissy that needs a compass." Joey laughs. "I see what you did there, Rose."

"I suppose you know your way around here without compass, then?"

"Oh, and Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. Why? Because it's not Monday or Tuesday. The gateway to the weekend."

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2010-02-15 04:57 am UTC (link)
She puffed up a little with pride. "Don't need no compass, matches, nothin'. I am a survival expert."

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2010-02-15 05:03 am UTC (link)
"That so? I'm not sayin' I don't believe you. I'm just sayin' it's a pretty big order to fill from anyone except maybe that guy on TV that's always eatin' the rats and stuff." Joey says.

"All right. Since you're a wilderness survival expert and I'm not...how about a camping trip where you show me the ropes." he said.

"But I'll be nice and bring some fire, just in case." he smiles.

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2010-02-15 05:07 am UTC (link)
"That guy?" Rose said. "He ain't bad. But he ain't got nothing on me."

She smiled. "Sounds good. Soon as the weather gets nice, I'll show you the ropes."

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2010-02-15 05:13 am UTC (link)
"When you say it like that, I actually believe you." Joey says. It hasn't escaped him that he has no clue what Rose is capable of, but if she's a survival expert, it can't be all the dangerous.


"I'm looking forward to it, Rose. I'll bring marshmallows for the S'mores, too."

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2010-02-15 05:23 am UTC (link)

"Now yer talkin', Joey."

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