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automatic ([info]automatic) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-04-12 12:55:00

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being a stay at home mom is dull since my son has no interest to play with anyone but his imaginary friend and Emma sleeps all day! So, I take pictures all day long.

Pics of my home. We're finally getting more stuff in our house.

Nathans bedroom. I color coordinated his closet, not sure if you can tell in the pic, and he thinks that randomly switching clothes around is hilarious.

All his dinosaurs


Nathan insisted I take a picture of his shoes. 3 years old and he is obesessed with shoes.

My side of the counter is so cluttered.

Her favorite place to sleep. Already a daddys girl!

Emma was in the hospital with RSV not long ago. Scariest thing ever.

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2010-04-12 06:26 pm UTC (link)
Gosh I love your kids!!

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2010-04-13 03:06 pm UTC (link)
you make such cute babies!

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2010-04-13 08:09 pm UTC (link)
Aw thank you!!

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2010-04-13 04:49 pm UTC (link)

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