Moem's Journal
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Another 2010 Convention meeting 
10th-Feb-2008 09:43 pm
molletje leest
We had another meeting today. We, in this case, means the small group of BookCrossers who are conspiring to bring the 2010 BookCrossing Convention to the Netherlands.
Present were: Fotomiep, LuieLezer, pvanoort, Phoenix-Flight and me. Joanazinha, boekenxnl and chris147 could not make it, the first two because they'd both come down with terrible colds.

It's all going really well. The information that [info]futurecatnz gave me has been sent on to the other conspirators, and we find it very valuable. We'd still like to get the written part of your presentation, by the way! It's worked once, it may well work again.  ;-)

Here's what we've got so far: Phoenix-Flight came up with a venue. It's a theatre, and we can actually afford it. It has all the room and facilities we need, including wireless internet for our guests.
I'm not telling you the location yet, but it's in a place that you furriners will love.
There's plenty of things to see and do nearby, it's easily reached by public transport, and there's free parking space for those who come by car. There's a fancy hotel close to the venue, and better yet: a camping/hostel combination for the outdoorsy types and those who travel on a limited budget! You can bring your tent, but you can also rent a bed in a hut if you prefer.
The city center is very easily reached (public transport) and offers something for everyone. You may well want to book your flight in such a way that you can spend some extra days. You won't regret it.

Another nice thing: it won't break the bank. No hard figures yet, but I can safely say that admission to the 2010 Convention may turn out even cheaper than it is for the 2008 Convention Londen (which I find quite reasonable).

We'll keep the location secret for a while, so as not to spoil the surprise. You can all start saving up now, because I feel quite certain that we have a good chance of winning the bid!
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