Moem's Journal
It's not Myspace...wait, it's not even LiveJournal.
Recent Entries 
Hi! You've found me. This is kind of an experimental / placeholder journal, since the way LiveJournal has been changing recently worries me.
You can find me there under the username m03m. That's m-zero-three-m.

Since I'm (for now) primarily an LJ user, these entries have been copied from there. Some have even been copied from MySpace first!
That causes some problems with linkage. And if there's something about site changes and other ongoing events that makes you go 'huh?' because it doesn't seem to make any sense, it's probably about LiveJournal, not Scribbld. I apologize for any confusion and other kinds of inconvenience.

Oh, and copying the entries from elsewhere means losing all comments, as well.
26th-Dec-2008 01:30 pm - Writer's Block: A Bargain at Any Price
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[Error: unknown template 'qotd']That's a hard one, because I hardly ever buy something at the full price. Most of what I own was either bought second hand, bought on sale, or found on the sidewalk. I guess I'm just a cheapskate.

However, one of the best bargains, and one that I enjoy on a daily basis, is my current living space.

21st-Dec-2008 06:36 pm - Doing stuff around the house
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Today I decided to be nice and clean the kitchen floor.
It had been a while. Then again, there's four of us living here and I'm pretty sure you don't need ovaries to do a bit of cleaning...

While I was at it, I noticed mousiness. Which translates to mice pee and mice poo. Hard to avoid completely, since this place is big and unwieldy, and it's not easy to mouseproof the whole place; there were, however, two holes in the back of two of the kitchen cabinets that needed closing off. I used PUR foam, also known as building foam. Lots of it.
When the can was empty, I pushed it into the biggest of the holes that needed to be filled up. Let's see you gnaw through that, you furry little rodent scum.

The kitchen floor looks nice and clean. And the place smells nicer, too. Even though it reeks a bit of building foam.
But clearly someone has been slacking lately. Click to see who it is!
28th-Nov-2008 10:12 pm - Why it's nice not to live in a 'real' house
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...but in an old office building.
It means you have space enough for things that would have been difficult elsewhere. Like a sauna.
Not only we have a sauna, and it's actually in what passes for a bathroom around here (and which is bigger than most people's living rooms, and some people's houses), we now also have a place where you can sit and relax with a drink in between the various stages of a sauna bath.
Here it is: our Tropical Beach Style Relaxation Lounge.Click to see. )
23rd-Nov-2008 09:56 pm - We have a sauna
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[info]stoneshop  bought it used, we went to get it today and he put it together so we could use it right away.
No need to say more, I assume.

29th-Aug-2008 09:19 pm - Diner à deux
... in a romantic setting: out in the parking lot behind the building we currently call home.

Stoneshop is working on the car again. Don't ask. But dinner was nice.

dinner for two

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