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Natasha Romanova ([info]redheadspy) wrote in [info]fantasy_rpgs,
@ 2010-10-30 09:03:00

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Marvel Legends and DC Heroes
Two games that I run are looking for ambitious and energetic players.

Marvel Legends is a comic based Marvel AU game. The game recently started and there are still a lot of good characters still open. Here is a list of our taken characters and here is whom we would like to see.

The cut off from canon is right before Disassembled, but we can adjust the timeline to allow for characters who had first appeared after Disassembled.

DC Heroes is a comic based DC AU game. The game is just getting off the ground which means there are a lot of good characters still open. Here is a list of our taken characters and here is a list of whom we would like to see.

The cut off from canon is right before Identity Crisis, but we can adjust the timeline to allow for characters who had first appeared after Identity Crisis.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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