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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-10 18:59:00

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Entry tags:kristoff vernard, plot-"me myself and i", vincent vernard

Gathering Up The Pieces
Eventually, the mortal Vincent and Kristoff arrived at Jennifer Kale's home. It was relatively inoccuous compared to Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, but the wards and residual magic around it stood out like a beacon. The half of Vincent reflected on how long it had been since one of his formal lessons.

"Home away from home." He commented to himself as he leaped from the still descending Fantasticar out of habit. His legs screamed their protest as he made his landing from a bit higher than would have been comfortable for a human in relatively fit condition. His face strains, but he doesn't let out any noise of discomfort.

He advances to the front door and knocks.

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