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ೋ 由紀奈 ([info]moonrise) wrote,
@ 2008-07-02 11:00:00

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o16; five days left...
...until he comes. I'm so super nervous and yet so super excited. I need to go shopping soon ~

Today, I need to clean my room (books and old classwork are lying around everywhere), play DDR (I bought a dance mat and the original DDR Max yesterday), memorise this techpara dance routine, possibly swing by Mirai and pick up the newest edition of any gyaru magazine (though I'm kinda broke right now and since they're imported from Japan they're a bit expensive), and put together my Hebrew flash cards.

I'm not looking forward to working tomorrow with she-who-shall-not-be-named. I swear, this girl honestly thinks she's the hottest thing that ever appeared in Michigan and that EVERYONE is jealous of her (she proclaims this every time I work with her). To me, she just looks like any other girl I've see in the mall and doesn't strike me at all as anything special. One of my other co-workers, however, the one who's competing in the Miss Michigan contest... now SHE I wish would conduct a class in beauty and all-around confidence. She isn't mean, she isn't nasty, she has a genuine all-around beauty. She-who-shall-not-be-named should take a page out of her book and realise that the more she flaunts about that she's "sooooo hot," the uglier she becomes. Confidence is one thing, but this... ugh.

I really wish I didn't have to work with her anymore. I'd rather work nights than endure her ish.

Alright, I should get going. Now is the time to snag the TV for DDR!

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