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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote,
@ 2009-12-24 14:41:00

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For all the good little mutants...
Dad - New lab coat, with extra pockets added

Mom - Cashmere scarf

Professor X - Snowglobe

Corey - Bamboo windchime, taken from sustainable growth habitats

Molly - Domokun beanie hat

Cait - Fuzzy cushioned slippers

Moira/Danielle - Braided leather collars

Lucas - Wombat tagua pendant

Halbjorn (and other Defenders) - Kevlar team logo armbands, Halbjorn's in red to match his hair

Anya & Steve: 'His and Hers' gift cards to Victoria's Secret

Other X-Men and Avengers: Vouchers for 1 free accessory piece, or embroidered patch.

Bonus: Mister Logan gets breath-mints in his stocking.

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