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Kristin (aka) Butters ([info]snwpnitsirk) wrote,
@ 2008-02-29 02:43:00

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Current mood: bored
Current music:1000 Words § Koda Kumi
Entry tags:100 word drabble, meme, valesco characters, xmen characters

100 Word Drabble Thingie
Here's how it happens. You give me a couple, any couple (so long as I've played one of the characters) and I'll write a drabble around 100 words about them in reply to your comment. This can be ANY couple (anything.. shippiness or cuteness or whatever), and it can have been a game-canon couple, or something completely off-the-wall. I do back-history, I do future, and I do AU crack. If you want a particular theme or rating, let me know. The ratings will be anywhere from G to uh, well I suppose NC-17 but I dunno if I can get that in 100ish words

/ = Shippyness and "and" means ordinary interaction

By the way, these are the ones from the last time that I forgot to do
that I will try to do first but if someone requests something that I
feel more inspired to do, I'm goooonna do that one:

Ludo & Otto.
Moses & Maddox.
Maddox & Nora
Dolores & Mia
Gilly & Lily
Graeme, Erin, & Joy, drunk and in Hogwarts time
Dedalus & Anneliese

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2008-02-29 09:01 am UTC (link)
Bertha and Dolores!
Momo, Ducky and Merrie!
Fabian and George!
VanDoggle and the stuffed toy raccoons sirius will be leaving all over the order house from now on.

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Van Doggle - 340 words
2008-03-01 12:36 am UTC (link)
"These are definitely false advertisements."

Dedalus was hunched over, his hands on his knees as his nose came inches away from the stuffed Raccoon that was sitting on the table. Emmeline was sitting down in a chair, with her arms crossed over her chest as Elphias stood nearby, leaning against a wall. All 3 of them were staring at the white, grey, and black animal that was sitting there, looking absolutely adorable. “If those things are supposed to be raccoons, then they should have sharp teeth and look as though they’re about to pounce on you and attack you with their little claws.” Dee nodded in agreement to his best mate’s opinion on the animals, but Emmeline just huffed and slouched back into her chair.

“I’m going to kill him.”

Dedalus dragged his attention away from the toy for a moment to look at Elphias before he turned to Em, a brow raised. “…Sirius?”

“Of course Sirius, who else would I be talking about?”

Elphias shrugged his shoulders and moved closer to the table, taking a seat across from her. “I don’t know, there are a few people you want to kill.” Dedalus once again nodded before he turned to her as she spoke. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” “Well, I mean…you wanted to kill Ben the other day, and I’m pretty sure you always want to kill Caradoc.” “And you wanted to kill James the other day, and…who was it the day before?” “Uh, I think it was Peter.” “No, no it was someone else…” “No, it was Peter beca—“

“Okay, now I want to kill you two!” Emmeline rose to her feet and moved out of the room, leaving the two boys alone with the Raccoon. They were both silent for a moment before Dedalus turned to Elphias. “She probably won’t want to kill us in 5 minutes…not after she finds the stuffed Raccoon that Sirius charmed in the living room. I think it hisses.”

It wasn’t long until they heard that familiar shriek.

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Flint Siblings - 357 words
2008-03-01 07:12 am UTC (link)
“What did you do…?”



His arms crossed over his chest as he watched his sister from across the room, while his sister stood on the stairs, blocking him from going upstairs to go and check up on Marcus before he went to bed. This really couldn’t be good. The last time she had prevented him from going upstairs, she had broken something because she had fallen over. It wasn’t anything major, but she had acted as though the world was going to end when he found the shattered lamp. It was an ugly lamp anyway.

“…okay. Okay, but you can’t be mad at me. I did it out of love.”

His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he stepped closer, watching her move backwards up the stairs. To be honest, he was momentarily impressed that she had managed to do that without tripping and sliding down on her ass, but that didn’t stop him from advancing towards her. “So, are you going to tell me?”


Caden sighed and rolled his eyes, finally getting to the top of the stairs. Huh. Nothing appeared to be broken, but he could see her edging towards Marcus’ door. A brow arched before he moved towards the door, getting there before she could, even though she really did try to get there before he did. Even if she did, he probably would have just lifted her up and moved her out of the way, but--

“Oh…I’m going to kill you.”

“It isn’t that bad!”

“Jolene…he’s wearing pink bunny pajamas….”

“Awwww, but he looks so cute!”

“No, he doesn’t look cute, he looks miserable! Look at him!”

He gestured over to Marcus, who was frowning, his arms crossed over his chest as he sat cross legged on his bed, glaring at his aunt. Oh, that he definitely got from his father. The 3 year old had probably been sitting there since she had put him to bed, but was waiting for his Dad to come in and save him.

“Oh, you’re both so dramatic.”

“I swear, you and Estella are going to turn him gay.”

“But you’ll love all of us anyway!"

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2008-02-29 06:16 pm UTC (link)

Evan/Emmeline ;]

Dedalus/Emmeline LOL our convos have been such crack lately

Fabian & Molly & Boys! XD

ugh ugh um Graeme and twins x)

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The Dorny's - 400 words
2008-03-02 02:17 am UTC (link)

Graeme looked up from the paper that was in front of his face at the 5 year old that was running towards him. His brows stitched together in confusion as he turned to her, watching as she moved around the table, smirking at the fact that he could only see the top of her head until she was standing in front of him, out of breath.



Graeme mocked her exasperated tone, watching his daughter point out the door where she had just come from. "It's Jackson! He got stuck again!" "...please tell me you're joking." "But I'm not! He was trying to get the ball! Mummy told him to not get it, but-" "-but he's Jackson so he went anyway." She nodded her head and placed her hands on his knees and jumped up and down. “We gotta do something!” “Where’s your Mum?” “She’s outside trying to calm down Jackson because he’s stuck, aaaand…oh! Oh yeah, she told me-, she told me to tell you she left her wand on the counter.” His eyes moved over to focus in on Giada’s wand, sighing lightly as he rose to his feet, reaching down so his daughter could take his hand. “Come on, let’s go get your brother.”

The two of them made their way over to Jackson, Abigail practically pulling her Dad as she walked towards her brother. Graeme couldn’t help but grin at the sight of his son hanging out of the fence with his arm and his leg out of sight on the other side. “You’re so stupid Jackson.” “I AM NOT! SHUT UP! DAD SHE CALLED ME STUPID!” “MUM! HE TOLD ME TO SHUT UP!” Graeme looked down at Giada who was trying to get him to stop squirming looking very flustered and worried. “You are in so much trouble, mister! I told you to not go near the fence!” He really was trying not to laugh as he pulled his wand out of his pocket and knelt down. “Hold still, Jack.” Pointing at the fence, he muttered a spell that caused the Fence to expand, allowing him to step out onto their side of the fence, brushing himself off before he gave a gasp of realization, the fence already closed back to normal size. “OH, I FORGOT THE BALL!”

“Jackson! NO! We’ll get it lat-…”

“….He’s so stupid!”


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2008-03-01 09:24 am UTC (link)


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2008-03-01 10:43 am UTC (link)

Caden and Brand and babies!

Veronica and Griff. Or Veronica/Griff. Up to you. ;)

Otto and Sturgis. ^_^

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Graeme/Harmony - 396 words
2008-03-01 11:21 am UTC (link)
"Hmmm...say it again."

He laughed lightly. "I've said it a million times before."

"I know, it just sounds so much better now."

She nuzzled her nose against his, her legs on either side of him as she sat on his stomach. She could feel his hands moving gently against her thighs, kicking herself for deciding to wear jeans today.

"You're my little Harmonica."

She mirrored his expression and nodded her head, her choppy blonde hair falling into her face as she did so. “See? It sounds much better.” Leaning down, she gave him a well deserved kiss, placing her hands on either side of his face. He shifted beneath her, leaning up so he could kiss her better. They were on the floor, since…well, they had fallen off of the couch. Thankfully he was the one who had gotten the worst of the fall, but really? He wasn’t about to complain. They couldn’t help that they had a lot of missed years to make up for.

He waited a few moments before he moved one of his hands away from her to wrap an arm around her waist so he could flip their positions. He had one of his legs between her own, kneeling to keep himself above her. She giggled and sucked hard on his lower lip before she pulled back, resting her head on the carpet, her hand going up to brush through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead so she could see those stunning blue eyes of his.

“So why the hell did we wait so long to do this?”

Graeme shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, one of his own hands going to play with the ends of her blonde locks. “No idea.”

“I think it’s because you’re an idiot and couldn’t see what was in front of your face all along.” She sounded very matter of fact as she spoke, her lips curving into a smirk. Graeme grinned at her reasoning and gave her a short and sweet kiss, pulling back to get a look at her again. “I think that’s really the only logical explanation. Because, as we both know, I am an idiot, so it makes perfect sense.” “I’m brilliant.” “You should win the Nobel Prize.” “…why are we still talking?” “I have no idea.”

It didn’t take long for them to resume their previous activity.

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2008-03-02 03:04 am UTC (link)
Pyro/Betsy ;*

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Pyro/Betsy - 463 words
2008-03-02 03:59 am UTC (link)

The purple haired mutant pushed her back against the wall, watching as the flames crept towards her. She could feel the heat against her face, coughing as she breathed in the smoke that was lingering through the air. She could have sworn she was going to die, because there was really nowhere else for her to go, her eyes squinting as she tried to see through the flames, trying to see if he was still out there. She wasn’t even supposed to be there, but when she heard that John was still inside, she had run off to try and look for him. Just because he could control the fire, that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be hurt by it if he was already injured and wasn’t able to move or something.

The flames were getting closer, and she coughed again, her lungs starting to hurt and burn from all of the smoke, but…eventually, everything cleared. The flames were dying down, and someone was coming towards her. She blinked her eyes and moved towards him, flinging her arms around his neck, feeling one of his arms go around her. “Come on.” He pulled back and grabbed onto her hand, pulling her through the room, jumping back as part of the ceiling collapsed. It took him a while to find a safe exit, but once he did he made sure she was out first before following behind her. It seemed like it wasn’t even a moment later that the building collapsed. There was no point to trying to put out the fire now, since it was already too far gone. Sighing, he turned towards her, his jaw set.

“You’re such an idiot.” “…what?!” “The building is on fire and you run back inside?” “I thought you were hurt!” “I’m fine.” “Well, I know that now.” “What exactly did you plan on doing if I wasn’t?” “…I don’t know.” “You don’t know, and you still went in?” “I-…I don’t have to explain anything to you, okay? Just…forget it, John, you’re fine and now I know I shouldn’t have even bothered.” She huffed and turned to walk away, only to feel him grab onto her hand and pull her back to him, planting a kiss on her lips. She was tense for a moment before she relaxed and pulled back to look up at him, those large, wide lavender orbs staring up into his. He didn’t say anything for a moment, but eventually he let out a heavy sigh and pressed his forehead against her own, frustrated at the fact that she had just put her life in danger to save his own. But he wouldn’t tell her that. No, instead he’d give her a different reason.

“I told you to stop calling me John.”

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Devon/Moses - 387 words
2008-03-02 08:38 am UTC (link)
“I thought I heard something…”

“No you didn’t.”

Devon pulled him back to her so she could kiss him some more, her hand running back through his thick black hair as her other hand tugged on the tie of his school uniform. They had just gotten off the train a little while ago, and it was time for summer to begin. And what better way to start the new season than with a good snog?

“Okay, now I definitely know I heard something.”

The redhead clucked her tongue and moved back, seeing that his attention had gone to her door. She grabbed a hold of his chin and forced his eyes back to hers. “Moses. You’re sitting on my bed, I’m in a skirt, and you’re more focused on the door. What the fuck is wrong with you?” “Devon. You live with 2 massive brothers who could pummel me if they catch me in here.” “Than stop making so much fucking noise, and just kiss me you wanker!” With that she tugged him back to her, leaning back on the bed so that she was laying down, Moses halfway on top of her. A smirk formed against his mouth, feeling his hand move to her thighs, where they daringly began to creep upwards, underneath her skirt, and—

The door flew open, causing the two of them to sit upright, Moses’ eyes wide as he stared at Brand, who was standing in the doorway. “Get out.” Brand’s jaw was clenched. Moses nodded his head and moved towards the door, moving slowly and cautiously at first before he knew he was clear out of Brand’s punching range…then he practically ran down the stairs.

“Well, are you happy now?” Devon narrowed her eyes as she moved towards the door, placing a hand on it as she looked up at Brand. “Are you going to scare away every boy I bring home?” “Only the ones I don’t like…so yeah.” Devon pursed her lips and huffed before she shoved past Brand, going to Rafe’s room. “Get out.” “…what happened now?” “Brand.” “…ah.” And with that, he left, allowing Devon to slam his door behind him, listening to the rustling and the slamming that went on.

Well, at least he knew his room would be spotless when he was allowed back in there.

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