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dc_atlantis ([info]dc_atlantis) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-05 17:17:00

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Entry tags:npc - ataam, plot - "heir to the throne"

Entering Poseidonis
Ataam entered the city of Poseidonis without any fanfare along with three guards. He looked like any other citizen of the city, despite his prestigious bloodlines. He had been raised as a prince of Atlantis by the priests and his mother. Now it was time to enter Poseidonis and claim his heritage and to claim his rightful place on the throne.

Ataam and his personal bodyguards, dressed as commoners as he was, moved through the city. There was a small residence set up for him to use as a base until his uncle and cousins were dealt with. Then he would be able to move into the royal palace and get the comforts that were due to him.

He had been instructed to keep a low profile until the time was right. He would use the time to watch and learn.

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