Moem's Journal
It's not Myspace...wait, it's not even LiveJournal.
It's good to be a packrat 
9th-Sep-2007 12:32 pm
motor in wadi
(Originally posted on MySpace)
My boyfriend just bought himself another motorcycle. It's a little 350 cc Jawa, type 634, much like this one:

It's all the bike one could hope to buy for 80 euros. A nice project for next winter. Of course, at a price like that, it's not much of a surprise if some odds and ends are missing. In this case, the front end of one of the exhaust pipes.

So I thought: didn't I have something like that stowed away somewhere? Given to me by a friend, the way it often happens with Jawa parts, while mumbling 'you never know, you may find a use for it some day'?
I started digging in my supplies. And found:
- a nice set of pipes for my own Jawa, that I'd forgotten all about, in decent condition!
- a muffler for my Jawa, to replace the one that was ruined by battery acid this summer on the way to Finowfurt! This one's in decent condition, too.
- and last but not least... the pipe I was looking for. Not only did it turn out to be for the right type of bike, it's the right side as well. And it looks brand new. *does the happy dance*

OK, so being a packrat makes you surround yourself with a lot of rubbish... but every now and then, among the rubbish you'll find just what you need!
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