Moem's Journal
It's not Myspace...wait, it's not even LiveJournal.
20th-Jan-2008 01:05 am
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See here.
What is it?
It's our kitchencam:
an old dinosaur of a HP digicam; that I bought second hand back in 1997, and that we now use as a webcam so we can see if the breadmaker has finished.
(Our living room is rather far away from the kitchen.)
But currently it's pointed at a LED display board Stoneshop found in a dumpster somewhere, and got back into working order.
Yes, he's a tinkerer. It's one of my favourite things about him.
The display board is running in demo mode, since he hasn't yet found a way to communicate with it and program it. It's strutting its stuff, so to speak; spouting seemingly random words and graphics just to show what it can do.
The camera takes a picture every 45 seconds, which is sent to a PC and shown on the page. Which is then shown on the internets, because we can.
The result is unpredictable.
Techno-poetry. Made with obsolete techology. I love it.

(It probably looks better when seen at night. Like it is now. Here, that is.)
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