Moem's Journal
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A different way to celebrate a birthday 
3rd-Jul-2008 05:47 pm
motor in wadi
Yesterday was the birthday of my favourite ex. He didn't feel like having a great big party but he wanted to come over and bring his minibike, so we could ride it on the parking lot. I'd never ridden one before!
Another friend showed up and brought his girlfriend, and one of the neigbours joined us, and the birthday boy had brought cake and beers and soft drinks. We ended up having a nice little parking lot party, in the rain. It was fun.
Here's me riding the minibike. Nothing spectacular, but I enjoyed it.
It was the first time ever I rode one of these and they are every bit as uncomfortable as they look.
Many happy returns, Ar!

Here's a picture of the same bike... or a very similar one. Ar had left the fairing off, though.

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