Moem's Journal
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Broke my tea mug today 
1st-Feb-2009 10:16 pm
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That's sad as it was a lovely mug. Very large, covered in dark blue Chinese squiggles on a soft, friendly green background. And it had a lid. Well, it still does, but it no longer has an ear.
I use this mug at least twice every day: first thing in the morning (big mug of very strong Pu Erh tea) and right after dinner (the same). If I'm spending the day at home, the mug is never far from where I am and often full.

This is not my mug but a very similar white one,
that I made green to give you an impression of what my mug looks like.

The good news: it's replacable. [info]gummihuhn works fairly close to the excellent Chinese shop where I bought it, and is willing to get me another, one of these days.
It's good to have friends.
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