Moem's Journal
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Back on our wheels 
11th-Apr-2009 07:29 am
motor in wadi
We have the blue bike back!
Today, it was drizzling, but we got fed up with being inside and immobile, so we decided to walk to the garage where the AA man brought the bike with the flat tyre, and ask about it. It was a 3 km walk along the main road.
When we got there we were told that the bike was ready, it had actually been ready since yesterday evening, but they couldn't get hold of us. And the AA guy could not simply bring it back to us because it needed to be paid for.
It started to rain instead of drizzle by then, so we went for a cuppa in the cafe at the other side of the road, and it was obviously weekend = bike riding time, a group of bikers stopped there to eat a bit and get out of the rain.
By the time our tea was finished, it was practically dry so we headed back to the camp site to get our bike gear.
We returned together on the yellow Suzuki (me riding in front, Gummihuhn riding pillion since it wasn't my bike that had a problem!) and paid 230 $ NZ by credit card. Since the hire comes with roadside assistance insurance, I'm assuming I'll be reimbursed for that later by the good folks at City Motorcycle Rentals in Christchurch.

We are now celebrating with a beer (me), a bottle of Phoenix organic apple-feijoa juice (Gummihuhn), and a bag of lime-black pepper flavoured Kettle chips. Tomorrow, we'll be back on the road again!
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