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Friday, April 11th, 2008
10:22a - Finally, some rest.
So, yesterday I got a call around 8 am from the hospital. My pdoc wanted to see me and discuss all things sick leave with me. When I arrived, it turned out that I wasn't seeing my own pdoc but somebody else because my pdoc had something else. Oh well. I sat down with the other lady and talked. She put me on sick leave, a very long one too. I'm officially unable to work and study until August 31st..... for now.

My parents were all fine about it... I explained that they are suspecting epilepsy.. Which is why I'm being sent to EEG. And that I'm really not doing well at school. I didn't tell them I've been skipping and that I'm depressed. Mom always thinks she knows why I'm depressed ("because you're on the computer too much", I think would be her favourite reason). Dad thinks it's a phase I will get over. Surely I will... I'm bipolar hahaha.

But it just takes too long to get over with.

Now? I don't know. I guess all I'm gonna do is rest and take one day at a time. I'm feeling a bit better because I'm officially on sick leave and not just skipping school. I'm starting to look forward to things... summer and all. It's going to be such a great summer. I'm without the stupid friends, and have the people I need. I just know it's going to be good.


current mood: contemplative

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