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Alfred F. Jones ([info]alfredfjones) wrote,
“Right. Matty and I were supposed to bring the deserts, so we thought we might as well do the same for you. He was bringing ice cream and I made pies. Now, excuse the hero...” America began to walk past England so that he could go downstairs and get to the kitchen. He was whistling Dixie.

America was not the best cook in the world. He also wasn’t the worst. He couldn’t make the kind of fancy meals that France or Japan could, but he could make casseroles, cookies, hamburgers, etc. Basically, he could make American food. Cookies also happened to be simple enough that both brothers thought that England would have the ingredients already. Though if worst comes to worst, Canada was on standby to pick up any groceries.

America yawned. He didn’t get much sleep last night.

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