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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote,
@ 2011-09-11 21:41:00

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entry one
I often tell my patients not to give in to their temptations...but Fortescue's has brought back their Quadruple Mint Raspberry Chocolate Chip Swirl ice cream.

Really, is there anyone strong enough to resist?

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2011-09-11 11:43 pm UTC (link)
...mint and raspberry together sounds terrible.

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2011-09-11 11:44 pm UTC (link)
It is actually the perfect combination of flavors! At least it is to me which means that it is

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2011-09-11 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Well, I guess that if they brought it back it must've been popular with someone ... other than pregnant women

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2011-09-11 11:51 pm UTC (link)
Maybe I've bought enough in the past to fund their stock.

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2011-09-11 11:58 pm UTC (link)
If that was true I think you'd be at least 50 pounds heavier.

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2011-09-11 11:59 pm UTC (link)
Have you been noticing my girlish figure, Euan?

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2011-09-12 12:03 am UTC (link)
I'm sure the papers would've commented if you were gaining weight.

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2011-09-12 12:09 am UTC (link)
Why's that?

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2011-09-12 12:10 am UTC (link)
Because you work with famous Quidditch players, and people seem to like sticking their noses in that.

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2011-09-12 12:11 am UTC (link)
I still don't--- Euan. That's highly inappropriate.

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2011-09-12 12:20 am UTC (link)
Is it?

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2011-09-12 12:25 am UTC (link)
Absolutely! I am of the most professional status, I would never dare cross that line and----you're trying to be funny, aren't you?

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2011-09-12 01:05 am UTC (link)
And failing, apparently.

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