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100 Movies in 2008 Challenge! [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:08 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]amaz_za_zing
2008-01-14 04:45 am (UTC)


That sounds really interesting. I have a weird fascination with serial killers (I have since I was a kid) and I find Charles Manson second most interesting, after Ted Bundy. That's crazy that he's jailed in your town! I never think about it, but I live like a mile from where Roman Polanski lived and his pregnant wife was killed by the clan, in the Hollywood Hills. I think I get pretty jaded living in Hollywood, but I'm sure a lot of fascinating things happened around here. Two blocks from here, on Hollywood Boulevard, William Frawley (who played Fred on "I Love Lucy") died of a heart attack, I just learned this morning. Crazy to think I've walked past where he collapsed a thousand times. Anyway, I'll definitely check out the book! Thanks!