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Arthur Kirkland ([info]arthurkirkland) wrote,
@ 2009-12-24 16:10:00

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Entry tags:hetalia, roleplay

Home for Christmas
Arthur Kirkland stood staring up at the airport's flight tracker blankly. He had been there a good thirty minutes or so, watching flights being delayed one after another, silently hoping--and perhaps even praying--that his would be safe. He had come to New England to escort his boss on official business, and was prepared to get home to spend Christmas his usual way; alone and drunk. However, an unexpected snowfall was making that look highly unlikely.

He glanced down at his pocket watch and bit the inside of his lip. Only ten minutes until the flight was supposed to start boarding. Ten minutes. Inhaling slowly in an attempt to calm his nerves, England sat down and opened his thermos of hot tea, taking a long drink before screwing the cap back on. He had just begun to relax a bit when an unfortunately familiar arm crept around his shoulder.

Knowing he would regret it, England turned his head slowly to his right--and jumped up out of his seat with a horrified look on his face.

"Ah, Angelterre," came the smooth, French-accented voice. "You act unhappy to see me!"

"I am unhappy to see you!" Arthur exclaimed, grabbing his thermos defensively. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh, I inquire the same of you." Francis said, still holding his leisurely pose, as if the airport bench were a loveseat. "I merely wished to pay you a visit while you're here. In New England." He put a bit of an emphasis on the last bit, smiling smugly.

England gave him a dirty look. He was amazed that France had the nerve to speak to him with such familiarity after what had quickly become known as the "Great Pie War" not so long ago. He decided it was best to ignore the elder country and simply pretend he didn't exist, but he wasn't even able to start when France spoke up again.

"Well, well, that can't be good, can it?"

Arthur turned around to face what Francis was looking at: a big "ALL FLIGHTS CANCELLED" display on the tracker.

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2009-12-29 12:02 am UTC (link)
Both England and France gave slight groans as they watched America take his overly-heroic stance; they both knew it meant a speech was coming.

"He's trying to pull something," Arthur whispered as he began creating a whole new array of snowballs. "Keep an eye on him."

"Oui!" Francis nodded, beginning an extra-aggressive assault on the teenager. His mind started to wander a bit, however, and he paused to snap his fingers. "Ah-hah, that is it, mon Angelterre! We will call ourselves the Ero Angels!"

"What? Francis, pay attention!"

"Of course, of course." France picked up a couple more snowballs, one following two of Arthur's in quick succession. All three hit their mark dead-on. He was about to pelt Alfred with two more, when a familiar voice startled him, and instead sent it flying into the one who had spoken. "A-Angelterre?"

Arthur was geniunely surprised. "Isabel, when did you--" A snowball from the Maple Eagles flew into Arthur's hair while he was distracted. The two Europeans wordlessly changed their battle plans at this new intrusion, France fending off Mexico while England took on America and Canada.

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2009-12-29 12:19 am UTC (link)
The Maple Eagles plus Mexico were now winning. It was true that they did have the advantage of numbers and were now on either side. However, none of that mattered. What mattered was that everyone was having fun. Alfred was about to lead a charge over to the other side to get some snow off point blank, when something happened.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught some movement. Alfred thought it was probably just some of the people that lived up here. He did not pay it a second thought. Matthew also saw it and he saw who it was better then his brother. Canada stood up and bolted into the house. America caught a glimpse of his face and his twin looked like he had seen a ghost. Without thinking about the impending snowballs, he ran after his twin and into the house.

His brother was right inside the door. “Matty, what is wrong?” he asked as he laid his hand on his brother’s arm.

“N-nothing, I just... I just felt cold,” Canada said unconvincingly. The idea of Canada getting cold before America was completely ridiculous.

America didn’t really believe him, but he wasn’t going to press the issue. He walked back to the door and called out, “I’m hungry! I don’t want to play anymore!”

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2009-12-29 01:01 am UTC (link)
Canada's sudden departure into the house left the remaining countries confused, and the flying snowballs ceased quickly. England looked to France, who shrugged before looking around for whatever it was that Canada had seen, but nothing was to be found.

"I'll make tamales~" Isabel said happily as she followed the sound of Alfred's voice into the house. "I even brought my own maize!"

Stepping into the house made Arthur realise how cold he was. He had thought that he was warm enough with just a coat and scarf, but now that the heat of battle was gone, it was freezing. He shivered a little and decided to bypass the coat rack.

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