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Arthur Kirkland ([info]arthurkirkland) wrote,
@ 2009-12-24 16:10:00

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Entry tags:hetalia, roleplay

Home for Christmas
Arthur Kirkland stood staring up at the airport's flight tracker blankly. He had been there a good thirty minutes or so, watching flights being delayed one after another, silently hoping--and perhaps even praying--that his would be safe. He had come to New England to escort his boss on official business, and was prepared to get home to spend Christmas his usual way; alone and drunk. However, an unexpected snowfall was making that look highly unlikely.

He glanced down at his pocket watch and bit the inside of his lip. Only ten minutes until the flight was supposed to start boarding. Ten minutes. Inhaling slowly in an attempt to calm his nerves, England sat down and opened his thermos of hot tea, taking a long drink before screwing the cap back on. He had just begun to relax a bit when an unfortunately familiar arm crept around his shoulder.

Knowing he would regret it, England turned his head slowly to his right--and jumped up out of his seat with a horrified look on his face.

"Ah, Angelterre," came the smooth, French-accented voice. "You act unhappy to see me!"

"I am unhappy to see you!" Arthur exclaimed, grabbing his thermos defensively. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh, I inquire the same of you." Francis said, still holding his leisurely pose, as if the airport bench were a loveseat. "I merely wished to pay you a visit while you're here. In New England." He put a bit of an emphasis on the last bit, smiling smugly.

England gave him a dirty look. He was amazed that France had the nerve to speak to him with such familiarity after what had quickly become known as the "Great Pie War" not so long ago. He decided it was best to ignore the elder country and simply pretend he didn't exist, but he wasn't even able to start when France spoke up again.

"Well, well, that can't be good, can it?"

Arthur turned around to face what Francis was looking at: a big "ALL FLIGHTS CANCELLED" display on the tracker.

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2009-12-30 06:29 am UTC (link)
“Young Alfred has fallen prey to amore. In the kitchen he was making quite a scene with Mademoiselle Isabel. They could positively not stop kissing. In fact, I have reason to believe that they have already had sex.” Francis was a romantic at heart and could not help embellishing what he had seen just the slightest.

Alfred had finished his talk with Isabel in the kitchen and had stepped into the living room. He took one look at England and did an about face out again. His feet could be heard pounding up the stairs. From the location of the noises, which sounded like a rabid elephant attempting to play whack-a-mole, it could be guessed that he was in his room. After about a minute the noises stopped and he was pounding back down the stairs again. When he stepped down into the living room he was holding a pair of blue loose sweat pants, a t-shirt the read “May the force be with you,” and a red and blue flannel shirt.

“Get changed before you get sick,” he said as he held the clothing out to Arthur. It was not a request. It was an order.

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2009-12-30 07:04 am UTC (link)
"H-Had sex? With Isabel?!" Arthur nearly choked out the words. He could hardly believe it, but Francis was nodding eagerly, looking quite certain of what he had seen. England thought that America would have told him if he had interest in someone, but-- "You're not just making up rumours again, are you?"

"Rumours!" France repeated in a shocked, hurt tone. "Your words pierce my soul, Angelterre."

Before Arthur had time to further think the issue, the loud thumping sound above them startled them both, until the source of the noise appeared back into the room. He looked up at Alfred a moment blankly, then finally took the clothes. They were incredibly softer than the suit he had on at the moment.

"Thanks," he said after a moment of looking them over. They were foreign to him, but he was too cold to refuse. Just as he had zipped his suitcase back up and stood, he addressed Alfred again. "Er, about Isabel being here . . ."

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