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artofcreation ([info]artofcreation) wrote,
@ 2011-11-30 01:08:00

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Just one night
She had parked her bike in a place it would be safe over night and took a travel bag with her for obvious reasons. Vincent had brought her to the Baxter building for their 'encounter'. She was glad to be out of the chilly night air and some place warm as the elevator took them up. Very briefly before the elevator stops her hand goes up to her hair but she decides that she will allow Vincent to take care of that once they are in his room. He did seem rather interested in unlacing the corset she was in after all.

The elevator slides to a stop and now they're on the way to his room. Deciding to get a quick preview though before they get to his room she turns him and presses her mouth against his quickly. Vincent will just have to deal with having a very forward woman tonight.

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2011-12-03 02:50 am UTC (link)
Encouraged on by her groans, Vincent takes his time, seeing what characters she seems to like best, then repeating them, spelling out her name in a few languages for variety. All this leaves him with plenty of time to see that she's well relaxed and slick enough for him to push one finger forward gently.

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2011-12-03 03:50 pm UTC (link)
She was just glad her name wasn't too long or he might have her over the edge very quickly. As it was the young woman was panting and digging her hands into the bed. And the finger isn't batted away. Rita is very comfortable with sex and her body so Vincent hasn't shocked her.

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2011-12-03 03:52 pm UTC (link)
There's a throaty and smug chuckle as Vincent keeps at it, taking the hand holding her down off her thigh so he can further her stimulation, fingering both her entrances. He stops with the letters for a bit to just slowly make circles with his tongue, denying her the final push for a bit.

If she pounced him before, what'll she do after this round, he wonders.

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2011-12-03 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Oh that is just evil. Rita groaned in a mixture of lust and frustration. She very badly just wants him to get her over the edge but there's something about being fingered like this that has her heating up.

She does enjoy getting teased in bed. Has to be that.

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2011-12-03 04:02 pm UTC (link)
He feigns ignorance at that groan, pausing his oral attentions while still fingering her steadily and deeply.

"Is there something you needed to say?" He looks up at her with raised eyebrows, looking the very insincere picture of innocence. He keeps eye contact as he nuzzles where her thigh meets her hip, kissing a soft trail to her navel.

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2011-12-03 04:24 pm UTC (link)
She very calmly gives him a death glare. Not a full blown one but the kind of look that's more of a promise of revenge.

"You are so in for it," she mutters. "Vincent. You have me right at the edge and you're teasing me."

She'd add a fuck you to the end but they're already doing that literally so it seems redundant at this point.

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2011-12-03 04:26 pm UTC (link)
He bites softly at her hip, feeling a little thrill run through him at hearing her say his name.

"Fine then..." He growls, and wraps his lips around her hood, letting his tongue attack her clit without restraint. His fingers move opposite one another, one going in as the other retreats.

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2011-12-03 04:46 pm UTC (link)
Oh man that has her shudder with pleasure. The change in what he was doing was leaving her gasping and fighting to not move.

"Vincent," his name comes out of her like a purr. This was a very positive reaction. She's so close to oing over the edge again.

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2011-12-03 04:52 pm UTC (link)
Which is pretty much the entire point. Vincent takes a deep slow breath, then lets his tongue push against her as he hums.

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2011-12-03 06:10 pm UTC (link)
And that's what pushes her over. She can't think when he does that. She does clamp down a bit on her knuckle to keep for crying out way too loudly though and it comes out very muffled.

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2011-12-03 08:52 pm UTC (link)
He eases off gradually, and by the time she's coherent again, he's laying next to her, head propped up on one hand. His other hand is drawing lazy circles over her thigh, and he's looking smug as anything.

"If it's any reassurance, the room is thoroughly soundproofed. It can also withstand various magical or incendiary bombardments, although I don't think we need to worry about that."

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2011-12-03 08:58 pm UTC (link)
She can't help but laugh. She's going to have to stay still for the moment to catch her breath so to speak.

"You're a very smug man," she informs him bluntly. "But... you have good reason to be. That was.... wow. When you put me on my back I thought you just wanted a better angle or a different position..... You surprised me."

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2011-12-03 09:01 pm UTC (link)
"It's my nature to be surprising." He winks at her. "As long as there are no complaints." He leans in and kisses her shoulder.

"You're very fit, by the way. My compliments, as someone who for the first time in their life has had to worry about physical exertion, over the past year." He snorts in mild amusement.

"Not that all exertion is bad." he grins at her.

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2011-12-03 09:08 pm UTC (link)
She raised an eyebrow at him because if he was trying to compliment her he's not doing a good job of it. She decides to not thwack him as it's obvious he's trying.

"Oh I hope not." She chuckles then rolls so she can kiss him. When she gets her second wind she'll want him again.

Somehow. She can't decide how yet.

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2011-12-03 09:13 pm UTC (link)
He slips an arm around her and lets her rest against him for a bit, rearranging the pillows and putting on some music. "If you need some downtime, I can grab you a snack or something to drink." He'll be ready whenever she is, but he's in no rush.

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2011-12-03 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"Water would be good," she decides. Then brushes her fingers over his chest.

"And some kind of snack. I think you'll wear me out before I'm ready to stop otherwise."

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2011-12-03 09:25 pm UTC (link)
He laughs and kisses her forehead, lingering comfortably for a few minutes before getting up and slipping on a robe. "Be right back." He heads out to the nearest kitchenette, returning shortly with a few bottled drinks and an assortment of chips and cookies. He leaves them on the nightstand before rejoining her on the bed.

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2011-12-03 10:40 pm UTC (link)
She goes for a bottled water and sips quickly and deeply. She can't help the satisfied sigh before curling back against Vincent as she nibbles at a cookie. The water is obviously more interesting for her.

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2011-12-03 11:13 pm UTC (link)
Vincent will just content himself to relax for as long as she needs to recover, making himself comfortable and winding up playing with her hair again.

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2011-12-03 11:30 pm UTC (link)
It's not long before she is leaning more into his hands. Then setting the bottle aside so she can turn and start touching him. She's kissing his chest and letting her hands roam over him lazily. She has an idea of what she wants to do next but she's making sure they're both still in the mood.

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2011-12-03 11:39 pm UTC (link)
It should be fairly obvious. Vincent reciprocates easily, kissing her as his hands glide down her back to grab her ass and pull her against him. Gently, for now, not forcefully. "I was hoping we weren't done yet.." He murmurs, smiling, and giving her a nod.

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2011-12-03 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Just because he was aroused physically didn't mean he was mentally there. She looks pleased though and nips his lower lip lightly. "Oh no. Not by a long shot mister."

She nudges him so she can straddle him and let him still hold onto her ass. "Do you have any ideas you'd like to toy with?"

If he doesn't have one ready she's going to torment him.

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2011-12-04 01:30 am UTC (link)
He grins. "I think I'm prepared to put myself at the mercy of you own creativity for now." He squeezes her ass approvingly as she straddles him.

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2011-12-04 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Honestly it's not creativity that he should be prepared for. She positions herself carefully then sides down sheathing herself on him.

"Mmm. Most of my ideas would involve you being in more control just because of mechanics." She shifts as she starts to move. "We can save those ideas for latter."

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2011-12-04 08:17 pm UTC (link)
He moans his approval and meets her movements gently. "Well, no objections there." Vincent runs his hands up and down her hips.

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(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-04 08:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-04 09:07 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-04 09:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-04 09:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-04 09:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-04 09:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-05 08:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-06 02:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-06 03:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-06 03:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-06 03:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-06 04:22 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-06 04:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-06 04:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-06 04:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-06 04:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-07 12:01 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-07 12:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-07 12:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-07 01:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-08 07:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-08 08:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-08 08:18 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-08 08:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]artofcreation, 2011-12-12 07:57 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2011-12-12 08:23 pm UTC

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