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User:beyondanger (53831)
Bread and Circuses
semper ego auditor tantum?
Name:Juvenal Aquino

-Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis-
Juvenal Aquino

Ask for a valiant heart which has banished the fear of death,
which looks upon the length of days as one of the least of nature's gifts;
which is able to suffer every kind of hardship, is proof against anger,
craves for nothing, and reckons the trials and gruelling labours of Hercules
as more desirable blessings than the amorous ease
and the banquets and cushions of Sardanapallus.
The things that I recommend you can grant to yourself.

layout credit
Schools:None listed
People23:actonbell, anovelty, beyondanger, composedofnows, currerbell, ellisbell, gloryanddream, goldenass, hausmarchen, jackpine, kindermarchen, mandragola, manyminded, offtodeptford, saltypages, secondblooming, shillingshocker, telltaleheart, thecrackup, theobaldvs, thesoundingsea, truepenny, winepress
Friend of:8: beyondanger, ellisbell, illmet, manyminded, nosoapradio, saltypages, thecrackup, truepenny
Member of:1: paperpeople
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2011-10-15 23:01:56
Date updated:Never.
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:0
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 0
Posting Access:1: paperpeople

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