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ashley ([info]bitterforsweet) wrote,
@ 2008-01-09 11:32:00

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Current location:Mi clase de Espanol, periodo tres.
Current mood: Happy.
Current music:Fall Out Boy - "Thanks for the Memories" (I know, kill me.)

This computer's connection is so slow that I seriously sat here for five minutes and waited for this single page to load. It was pretty much bullshit. 

I'm excited for this journal. I figured: it's a new year, I might as well have a new journal to turn to. And it's highly plausible that GJ is going to die, so I need somewhere else to go. I'm not very impressed with LJ or IJ, so hopefully this place will work out a little better for me.

This morning was fun. My school has this thing called "late-start", and they occur every other Wednesday (I think). Instead of starting school at 7:45, it starts at 9:42. So I got here and waited for Joe to show up, and then he and I went and smoked some cigarettes across the street, before we came back and snuck into the computer lab (which you're not supposed to be in without a teacher). But the bitchest teacher I have ever met in my life came in and kicked us out, so we went to the library instead. I love my baby; he's a cutie.

I'm extremely happy with the way things have been going with Joe and I, actually. We got in the smallest, baby argument yesterday, for about two minutes, seriously. And that's the only argument I can recall for fucking months. It's so nice to not be at each other's throats all the time. It feels like it did when we first started dating. We're all happy and lovey again, and it really is amazing. I'm glad things have turned around for the better. When we broke up last year (even though he doesn't call it that; he calls it a 'spat'), I've never felt so awful in my laugh. Thinking about it now, it's hard to believe we were ever even in a place so bad and dark. It's nice to know that we've made a full recovery, and are going to be together for quite some time. It feels so nice to not worry about it anymore. I feel like we'll always be okay no matter what. I used to walk on egg-shells around him so much my feet were bleeding. I used to worry about us breaking up; I thought that every time we even raised our voices to each other, it was over. It feels so good to be okay.

I don't have work tonight! Yay! Fucking stoked. My paycheck on Friday (for last week, since I get paid weekly) will be fucking bomb. I'm excited. And Friday is going to be fucking awesome. Joe and I are going with our friends Jesus and Sandra to see Social Distortion in L.A. So that should be pretty fun. Joe's sleeping over after. ;)

I can't wait to graduate. I'm hoping I can have enough cash (by the time I'm eighteen on June 13) by graduation (June 16) to go get my license and a car and then find a dorm-room at whatever community college I decide to go to, or find a room in a house that someone's renting out. Actually, I'm going to be e-mailing my Dad and asking him for some money for my birthday to help me out. Which is going to make me feel like shit, but I know my Mom isn't going to help because she doesn't want me going anywhere, but I won't have that. And I know I can't do it on my own. Joe said he'll help me out, but I won't let him. I mean, I'll let him help a little, because he likes to know he takes care of me, but other than that: NOPE.

My period is late. Fudge. What else is new? Rofl. I couldn't be regular if my life depended on it.

Then the NAMM show is the weekend after this upcoming one. NAMM is a giant music convention held in the Anaheim Convention Center every year, and Joe's Dad Mike is a big shipper and shit for tons of fucking people there. I've gone with Joe the last two years in a row. Last year I met Sinbad, Stevie Wonder, Kerry King, Jonathan Davis, some people from Motley Crue though I forget which, and I saw Wayne Static. I'm hoping maybe Blaqk Audio will be there or something, since I'm sure the company whose equipment they use is going to be there. Omg. I would fucking die. srsly. :[ Joe and I both would. Lol. Davey Havok and Johnny Depp are the only two guys Joe would let me cheat on him with. But I told him I'd never cheat on him, so we'd have to have a threesome, and he agreed he'd have one with Davey. I'll have to keep pressuring him about Johnny. >:] But yeah, I'm excited; I really hope some dope people are there this year. The first year we went kind of sucked, but last year was tight. I hope it's even better this year. We were contemplating not going, but Joe has to pick up a bunch of speakers and a microphone for the recorder his Dad got him for his birthday. 

Advanced Theatre after this class. Fuck. I used to love going to that class; now it's the class that I dread. SUCKS. 

Rofl I can't believe I'm listening to this song. :'( It's so fucking catchy, though.

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