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bronze_kneecap ([info]bronze_kneecap) wrote,
@ 2010-09-05 16:14:00

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Test Scene
Masanori had one thing he had to do after leaving Ben Turner to be on his own.  He'd promised to check up on the son of Richard Dragon and see how he was doing.  It wasn't very hard, either.  He probably looked like a hostile enemy when he showed up.  Masanori had a katana hanging at his side, and other weapons were either hidden or outfitted on his person.  But hopefully Vic would recognize him, even if they hadn't seen each other in awhile. 

"Yo, Vic!" Masanori shouted as he approached the base of the tower.  He rested a hand on the hilt of his katana and smirked.

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2010-09-05 07:54 pm UTC (link)

"You better not. Every fight'll teach you somethin' new about yourself and the company you keep. And when I top that by fighting somethin' better, you're gonna have to listen to me brag."

Oh yeah. Masanori was going to one-up Vic somehow. "Anyway, kid, I should go. I got important business to attend to."

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2010-09-05 07:58 pm UTC (link)
“Very true,” Vic said agreeing, “It was very nice seeing you again even if it was for a short while. Take care and good luck.”

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