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bronze_kneecap ([info]bronze_kneecap) wrote,
@ 2011-01-25 22:29:00

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Monkeying Around
The Monkey Fist Cult is in disarray.  After the death of Lady Shiva, a new Paper Monkey was found and established.  However, the new Paper Monkey went rogue and killed the Bronze Monkey in the process.  Desperate to gain revenge on the Paper Monkey, the Monkey Fist Cult attempted to take him down.  In their attempt, the cult was utterly defeated.  The Silver Monkey barely escaped with his life, and he sought out allies of the new generation to help defeat the rogue Paper Monkey.

The plot starts with the Silver Monkey ambushes Masanori and is defeated.  The Silver Monkey is forced to explain that he was testing Masanori.  As a result of the meeting, Masanori agrees to help the Monkey Fist Cult defeat the rogue Paper Monkey.


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