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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-07-16 14:54:00

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Cooking Date Disaster!
Sure they usually ran into each other randomly on rooftops but once in a while he'd pop in on one of her safehouses hoping to find her. Perched on his usual window sill in the living room he smiles and is about to call out a greeting when he realizes she's not in the room. But there's the distinct smell of cooking in the air.

To the kitchen Robin!

Stealthily he makes his way there and peeks in. Last time he'd found her there she'd been washing dishes while singing while drunk. Oh and wearing very little. Not that he expected that this time.

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2012-07-20 05:06 am UTC (link)
He'll settle for the wall right now. That tunic shouldn't go to waste. And with the simultaneous pouncing? It won't.

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2012-07-20 05:14 am UTC (link)
Give her sudden shift to being back in the mood? Oh hell yes. She was quite happy to test the structural integrity of the wall with him. These things are important in an apartment.

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2012-07-20 05:16 am UTC (link)
Not to mention the quality of the soundproofing and of course, how good her furniture is. At least Sarah will know the true quality of her apartment and it's contents. In a fun way.

Thomas had already completely forgotten they hadn't ordered any food.

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2012-07-20 05:23 am UTC (link)
That's right. They need to test all the surfaces and not just the table that had withstood them starting to get very frisky.

They'll be very busy here.

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