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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-07-28 00:30:00

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Thomas Birthday Shenanigans
First birthday away from "home" technically and he was not handling it too well. Really, he just wanted to suit up and take out criminals while brooding in between. Not much to ask for. But after spending the last week and a half almost burning himself out dealing with a few Gotham street murders, and ending up a tad bruised and battered, AltDad had insisted he take his birthday off and even told him ahead of time. Apparently days off could be enforced because he was barred from access to his uniform. Wonderful.

Admitting defeat, you really had to when it came to The Batman, he'd almost resigned himself to brooding at home but realized someone would shove him out the door to make him have fun. It had been then that he decided that maybe he should tell Sarah he had a rare day off and spend it with her on a...well they didn't really have 'dates' but this might be close enough. Besides, if anyone could cheer him up she could. He never felt like he didn't belong here around her.

There's a quick rap at her window on the evening of his birthday and Sarah will find Robin hanging upside-down in civies and a mask. 

What? Just because he couldn't get his uniform didn't mean he wasn't going to swipe one of the extra masks and utility belt. 

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2012-08-07 04:48 am UTC (link)
"See now that makes me wonder about you liking me naked or not..." Yeah she's teasing. She knows him.

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2012-08-07 04:53 am UTC (link)
He almost offers to prove how much now but reminds himself that they'd never get to see the art collection or joy ride in the batmobile at that rate. "I'll prove how much I like you naked again later then Foxy," he teases and steals a kiss before moving quickly ahead and pulling her along.

Yes, he's in a very good mood.

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2012-08-07 04:55 am UTC (link)
"Well that's good otherwise... I don't think we'd get anywhere tonight," she jokes following him closely. If they kept this up she'd worry that they'd be pushing the limits of birth control tonight.

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2012-08-07 05:22 am UTC (link)
"We both got pretty far," he has to tease as he leads them to the 'gallery', which also meant through the poorly concealed 'secret' entrance too. Yes, he'd been here before.

"It's one of the better private collections, at least in terms of quality in the city," he comments, not realizing he was still holding her hand.

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2012-08-08 02:06 am UTC (link)
Oh come on of course they have. He's also had her on every stable surface she owns she thinks.

Well except for her car. "Well he has the money... and taste."

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2012-08-08 02:12 am UTC (link)
And every stable surface she used to own. They were a little rough on furniture. IKEA didn't seem to mind though. Her business was welcome.

Although he wouldn't say no to a car.

"It's the taste part that's rare. Have you seen the big oil guy's collection a few blocks over? Money and no taste. Shame." He seems to realize he's still holding her hand and discretely looks over at her to see her reaction. He hadn't really intended to keep it so long.

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2012-08-08 02:20 am UTC (link)
"I don't think his taste should be discussed in mixed company," Sarah says wrinkling nose.

"This guy though? Mmm. Excellent taste. He knows how to display it too." She smirks looking at some of the paintings acting as if she didn't notice his hand.

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2012-08-08 02:23 am UTC (link)
He chuckles at her expression, she looked awfully cute, and takes the no reaction as positive reinforcement. "Well organized for sure, I like that he gives the real good pieces their space," he comments as they move along and he laces his fingers with hers, acting as if he didn't notice.

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2012-08-08 02:37 am UTC (link)
"Wanna find them," she asks brightly. Now she's looking at him with a big smile. So totally pretending that this is normal for them.

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2012-08-08 02:40 am UTC (link)
"Deal Foxy," he agrees with a smile equally as bright. Half dressed and browsing the art collection in a penthouse they'd broken into, all while holding hands. Hardly normal for anyone but then again, they didn't qualify as normal.

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2012-08-08 02:46 am UTC (link)
Shhh. Let her live in denial here.

She's just a tiny bit in love with him and it hurts because she can't say anything. It would ruin whatever this is.

So she'll take what she can get. "Awesome."

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2012-08-08 02:53 am UTC (link)
It's one of those unspoken things for him. He can't say how much he likes her, and how attached he's become because having it said out loud would ruin something. At least the illusion that this is all okay and there were no mobs or different sides of the law between them. That rationalization had shut up innerBat pretty well so far, he didn't want to break it and infuse more reality into their relationship.

He'll take whatever they have now for as long as it can last.

"Let's see just how big his collection is," he smirks at her as they go to do just that. No, he hasn't let go of her hand. In fact he spends most of the tour with his attention split between the art, her, and mentally planning the route he wants to take them through Gotham.

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