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Photos! [Dec. 5th, 2008|01:08 pm]
I joined flickr.

Because everyone loves knocked down walls in Bath. :D

(Also, whoops. I had to tell my cw tutor that a lack of speech marks didn't mean I'd "given up on punctuation", just that she was reading the viewpoint character's inner monologue.)
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I want a pony. [Dec. 4th, 2008|07:21 am]
{ the SUPERPOWER meme }

We all know the meaning of Christmas! It's all about love, and presents and things, and the love of presents. Or something like that, anyway. I just know that I like getting free stuff. Anyway, there's a gift widget going around, and it's free and it's an example of stuff so I thought: this is perfect!

Christmas Gift Toy & MySpace Layouts at pYzam.com

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Another shuffle song meme that's not like those other different shuffle song memes. [Dec. 3rd, 2008|09:11 am]
When in doubt? Memethieve.

From the wonderful [info]aralana: Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.

Bad Horse, Bad Horse, Bad Horse, Bad Horse
(A ttly srs poem of misunderstood genius.)

Be a hero
No more carefree laughter
Can you believe me when I say there's nothing I like better?
It is a Thursday, I got up early
Tilling my own grave to keep me level.

You are one of God's mistakes;
Sucker love is Heaven-sent.
Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know
Out on your own, cold and alone again
Some say it was a warning, some say it was a sign.

I'm losing ground
Won't you please let me go
Oh baby, don't you know I suffer?
There were 87 Advil in the bottle, now there's 30 left
You got a reaction

I cannot take this any more
Lady, you come across the water
Whatcha gonna tell my daughter when my body comes home?
I needed just a hit, one hit
Give me a reason.
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TELL YOUR FRIENDS [Dec. 2nd, 2008|01:14 am]
From [info]lienne:


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It's my journal and I'll plug if I want to! [Nov. 25th, 2008|07:08 pm]
So yeah, we had a few mini-lectures today from ex-students about what they're doing with their degrees nowadays, and one of them -- by the name of Nik Jones -- is a couple of months away from becoming the published author (!!!) of a book called 9987. (He wanted to call it Lesbian Nurses, apparently, but the publisher for some unfathomable reason vetoed that.)

And it's all up in the being pre-orderable on Amazon and shizzle. Apparently he was inspired by the guys who wrote American Psycho and Fight Club (INORITE), which puts him high in my estimations already, especially as Carrie the CW subject tutor was all "Brett Easton Ellis? Yeah, I can see that, you're just as twisted as him". And apparently it's all about murder and stalking and it sounds like the protagonist is really fucked up, which you may have noticed I'm slightly a fan of. So yeah. This is so badly on my just-after-Christmas list.

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Four more icon batches! [Nov. 25th, 2008|03:56 am]
Apparently the time when I'm meant to be writing essays is the same time that I get a crazy hunger to make umpteen million icons. It's a bizarre and inexplicable process.

A couple of those are new, and a couple have been hanging around whining at me for not posting them yet. But I'm done spamming my flist with icons now, I think. Until my next (four at the same time WHY WHY WHY) deadlines start looming up close, at least.

As before, choose a group of three, pick any of the three -- no really, it's entirely your choice, I'm just good to you like that -- and click it to be taken to a whole bunch more. It's a system and it works.

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Because killing everyone with cute is always a worthy course of action. [Nov. 24th, 2008|07:51 pm]

ETA: An essay on the language of lolcats, of all things.
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This is not what I meant when I swore I'd be productive today, but really, I'll take what I can get. [Nov. 23rd, 2008|06:54 am]
FIRST! Fight Club icons in ri-hi-hi-diculously large quantities.

THEN! A Zachary Quinto photoshoot, in which he lounges about in specs and improbable positions, occasionally wearing an expression of doped surprise! It's entirely adorable.

FINALLY! An iconmaking tutorial, whose existence I am just as surprised about as you.


And the images are links to the actual posts, in case you were wondering. :D
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So I have a question for anyone with a spare few seconds. [Nov. 21st, 2008|08:38 pm]
It all starts with the fact that I have a writing journal. Now, this is all well and good in isolation, but when I combine it with the fact that I've seen people complain about the poor formatting of people's fanfics, I start to get worried. The layout I use has a kinda small, pale-ish font, and while it's not so very small or pale that it causes me problems, I know that people have different screen resolutions and settings and so on that might tip it over to the wrong side of painful.

So with that introduction out of the way, if you have a moment, could you please nip over here and have a look? I'll give you delicious internet cookies. 'Cause the last thing I want to do is give anyone eye-strain, or drive them away because they can't read a damn thing. >_>

[Error: Invalid poll ID 1301669]

I ♥ you all.

(ETA: in other news, PEOPLE ARE RIDING SCOOTERS ON MY CEILING (which, for context, is also the kitchen floor. because did anyone else just get a mental image of very tiny people scooting upside-down?) WHY WHY WHY)

ETA2, son of ETA: attempting edits!
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Yes, it is of vital importance that you all know this. [Nov. 19th, 2008|01:25 am]
So back when I was a wee little thing, I read this one comic called Bloom County that we had a bunch of books of, and the damn things ended up so well-read that it's a wonder they even stayed apart. That comic, along with Calvin and Hobbes, was the main thing that made me want to draw stuff. I doodled Opus the penguin in my sketchbook when we studied pop art at school. Bloom County is the reason I know who Donald Trump is. And then it had a sequel called Outland that we only had one book of, and I loved it but I somehow never ended up following it.

Fast forward a little over a decade, and now apparently there was another sequel I knew nothing about, called Opus, where the main character finally got a kind of closure. Seriously, the only squabble I had with the comics was when they would do these themes where everything changed and it was often for the worse. (Yes, but shh, I was allowed to be freaked out by some strange and realistic things when my age hadn't yet hit double figures.) And now I'm (a) filled with the desire to hunt this down (and Outland, too) and read every strip, and (b) surprising myself by doing that not-so-teary tearing-up thing that I sometimes do.

And I found this out via fandom_wank. Fandom_wank. Wth, universe. xD
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I think Episode 9 might be coming! [Nov. 18th, 2008|07:45 pm]
First point: hello Harri! Have a mention! :D I'm afraid that was entirely sober for the writing of this post, although I do admit to having eaten rather too much chocolate. And... I'm far more entertaining when I'm not on the spot trying to be, sorry. >_> I'm going to go right ahead and repeat what I said about how you totally need a livejournal, incidentally. Because I practically live here. Also because fic is huge here, and there are a million fan communities, but obviously I'm awesome enough to count as a compelling reason all by myself. xD

Second point: that was the longest four hours of my life which is perhaps a worrying sign that I do not have one. Obviously there is some sort of plot being carried out on livejournal's part, here. The lj team makes the profile layouts fugly (or just changes them; ymmv), and ten thousand ljlings raise their voices in a chorus of OMG LIVEJOURNAL IHU I'M NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN! But then, just as they’re ready to furiously defect to journalfen or wherever, they're hit with four hours of MUAHAHA SEE HOW WELL YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT US, BITCHES. And then the disgruntled userbase comes crawling back, begging for forgiveness. What, you thought the timing was just coincidental? :O

Third and equally cracky point: Heroes. Were I an immature person, then I would make a joke out of this week's title and the fact that people keep repeating it. But I am highly highly mature and would never resort to such lowbrow humour. Never.

Spoilers for Heroes 3x09 )

This dose of determined positive thinking brought to you in the name of [info]heroes_meta.
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The Hard Part: Now In Capslocked Lulz [Nov. 18th, 2008|02:58 am]
You know what livejournal needs? A chatscript of Sylar going mother-hunting, with appropriately high levels of crack and the occasional Mylar-themed interlude. This makes total sense.

Spoiler for the second episode of season 3. )

ETA: oh oh oh and I made lulzy icons! Of Superdickery.com and [info]scans_daily! :D

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D: [Nov. 17th, 2008|04:48 pm]
I don't like you any more, [info]lienne, you with your xkcd pages and your desire to set the record straight. You made me want to stop people from being wrong on the internet, and there are millions of them, and I'm not even a fan of the new profile layouts. xD

(srslyguaiz, how many different ways do you think we can come up with to say "they're not likely to offer the old profile layout as an alternative option because two layouts would cost a metric shit-tonne to maintain"?)
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30 Questions Meme [Nov. 17th, 2008|04:34 am]
From [info]lienne. Deal is: I answer thirty questions with the names of people; if you want to know what the questions are, you ping/message/email me privately or comment with a request and (in theory) promise to do the meme.

In which I um and er. )
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And another thing. [Nov. 17th, 2008|01:02 am]
"Derrick" is a sexually ambiguous name now? Lol, CW tutor. Lol.

(Then again, she does just Not Get Things occasionally. She also looked at this one story where the narrator explicitly stated more than once that he might be reporting facts wrong or misinterpreting the situation, and went [and here I'm paraphrasing, obviously] "you know what would make this more interesting? An unreliable narrator." xD)
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American Psycho: The Incredible Spoiler-Free Review [Nov. 14th, 2008|11:38 pm]
A decidedly odd and mostly aimless film, though that's how I'd describe the book as well and I think it's mainly the point. It was pretty cool, and some of the gore was good, but it felt more like a Book's Greatest Hits compilation than a coherent movie. Though I loved how they did shout-outs to cut scenes in the dialogue. Also, Christian Bale has scary arms.

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Go on then. [Nov. 12th, 2008|04:29 am]
Before I go to bed. :D

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This is the only icon I will ever need. [Nov. 11th, 2008|11:43 am]
For [info]heroes_meta. I actually put some effort into it this episode. (ETA: And this was the 100th use of my Heroes tag! So do I get a prize or what?)

Spoilers for 3x08,''Villains''. )

Well, that was... that was... that certainly was.
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Caz is such an idea thief. [Nov. 10th, 2008|02:59 pm]
Lecture notes today were a little bit lulzy, so I'm blogging them. Hah, I don't even know what my brain was doing for most of these. )
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Obvs the hat is the most important part. [Nov. 10th, 2008|01:39 pm]
So I pwned my 40%-of-the-module essay so hard up the ass that it won't be walking again for a month. And my friends are the bestest friends. And I was in the library just now reading the Independant from Obama's election and squeeing heartily. And it's raining very slightly outside and the weather's crisp. And I'm eating smooth peanut butter on toast (because my friends are the bestest friends). And I have an awesome hat.

Don't mind me, I'm just having one of those moments of uncontrollable beaming that I treasure. :D
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