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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2011-05-30 00:42:00

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Entry tags:meme, writings

I have actually not done this one since March 2010 LMAO
Here's how it happens. You give me a couple, any couple (so long as I've played one of the characters) and I'll write a drabble around 100 words about them in reply to your comment. This can be ANY couple (anything.. shippiness or cuteness or whatever), and it can have been a game-canon couple, or something completely off-the-wall. I do back-history, I do future, and I do AU crack. If you want a particular theme or rating, let me know. The ratings will be anywhere from G to uh, well I suppose NC-17 but I dunno if I can get that in 100ish words.

/ = Shippyness and "and" means ordinary interaction

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2011-06-09 11:31 pm UTC (link)
It had taken Bess a half a second to round on Fabian when he came home that night, at three in the fucking morning. She'd prepared Sadie's rooms with the appropriate silencing spells because she was not going to bite her tongue any longer, she was not going to deal with this any longer. Their fight in the journals had spurred an intense anger in her, but it wasn't just that---it felt like betrayal. Fabian was up to something. It wasn't a woman, it was----it was something else and she knew it, she knew it---

"I am sick of the bloody lies, Fabian!" she shrieked, throwing her hands down as her hair flew around her in in frustration. He looked just about ready to blow up some furniture and didn't waste a second in shouting back at her,

"I'm not lying! I can't tell you----it's for your own good!"

"MY OWN GOOD?" Bess stormed forward and punched him in the arm, stomping her feet---"You have no right to decide how----break up with me then! Get it over with! I am not going to be with someone who can't trust me---"

"I do trust you!" Fabian let out angrily, "I fucking love you and I want you to stay alive, that's why---"

Bess had turned away, but felt a stutter in her step at his words. He loved her? Their lives had been so hectic, and she'd been so careful about her words, they lived together but that was more for Sadie than---he loved her? Why did that have to come out for the first time when she was ready to walk out on him? Bess started to storm off again because she did not know what to do, but did not make it far as Fabian grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. She let out a noise of surprise, but her emotions had so drastically turned with his words that she felt ready to collapse in his arms.

His hands moved to her face and he held her tightly, eyes darting all over. Fabian looked scared, worried, but she could tell that what he'd said was true, "Bess...I love you and I can't get you involved with this mess I'm in."

She blinked, "I love you too," she responded instantly, ignoring everything else. There was just Fabian now. Bess felt all the anger drain out of her as she nodded, pushing forward and kissing him roughly because it was all her body could think to do. Fabian responded just as fiercely to the kiss and it felt like they couldn't get close enough. Her hands were under his shirt, grabbing at his sides feeling hot against his skin, Fabian was pushing her back, back against the wall as he let out noises of lust and frustration.

He was the first person to put Bess and Sadie in front of their own needs and desires, in front of Bess' own wants. Fabian wanted them to be safe and he loved her, he loved her and oh. The couch seemed strategically placed, even though they had a bedroom just a few feet away it seemed too far and before she could figure out how they'd undressed he was inside her, feeling like---perfection this was perfection and Bess bit onto his shoulder to stop from screaming at how utterly perfect, but not even close to it, her life was at this very moment.

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