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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-02-19 02:58:00

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Because I am not clever enough to come up with new ones
Pick one of my characters and a date in the future (from the time of the RP) and I'll give you facts or a ficlet (100-200ish words) about that character.

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Eliza Diggle (shush) April 27th, 1989, 29 years old
2008-02-19 06:09 pm UTC (link)
"How many days?"

Eliza pulled back from the daffodils and sat back on her knees to stare at Eric. He was sitting above and in front of her on the porch of their house, legs dangling between the barrier. Eliza was sure if he pushed his face any harder in between the posts his head was going to go through, but she had warned him before.


"Myyyyy birtday."

She smiled and wiped her brow, shading her eyes to look at the sun.

"What time is it?"

"Twelve thurtee,"

"Hmm..." Eliza pulled off her hat and feigned intense concentration (even though she actually was trying to estimate the days until Eric's September birthday). "What season is it, again?"

"Mummy," Eric said with a sigh, "It is spwing."

"Right, so...you have...two seasons to go. When the leaves fall."

"Two seasons?"

"Two seasons."

Eric frowned and pulled his legs up from the post and stomped across the porch. Eliza made to go back to the flowers but watched her son out of the corner of his eye as he disappeared into the house. He returned about ten minutes later and was wearing a jumper, scarf, hat, and gloves, dragging a rake (where had he found a rake) and pounded down the stairs and sat at the very bottom with a stubborn expression on his face.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Eliza asked, clearly amused.

"I's waitin' for the leaves to fall."

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