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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-02-19 02:58:00

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Because I am not clever enough to come up with new ones
Pick one of my characters and a date in the future (from the time of the RP) and I'll give you facts or a ficlet (100-200ish words) about that character.

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Elizabeth Bell, May 21st 1999
2008-02-21 05:48 am UTC (link)



"Mum." Katie's vibrant face fell and her shoulders slumped greatly. She could not believe that her mother was reacting this way! They were supposed to be hollering and shrieking and jumping around! She was engaged! To Cormac! "What's wrong! I thought you liked Cormac?"

"I do," Liz said quickly, nodding as her eyes frantically searched around the room, not able to settle on one thing. "I do like Cormac. Not as my son-in-law, but I like Cormac just fine--"

"Mum!" Katie exclaimed, standing, "I can't believe this!"

"You're too young!" she blurted, and Katie pointed a stiff finger.

"You and dad got married even younger! He waited until my twentith birthday! It was so cute last night, Mum, you've got to---"

"Not the same!" Liz shrieked, but by now Katie could tell it was just a panicked tone, and that her mother was not actually mad or upset, "It is not the same! Not the same!"

"Oh," Katie's arms crossed and she shifted her weight to one hip, "so you would've been all right with it if I was up the duff a month out of Hogwarts?"

Liz's mouth dropped and she suddenly felt like a fish out of water. Her hands went up to scold her daughter, but they dropped listlessly by her side. Damn it. She had a point. Katie and Cormac had been dating for three years, too. And had known each other all their lives. And had fathers that would literally kill Cormac if he did anything wrong to Katie (oh, yes, Cormac had gotten his fair shares of smacks to the back of the head from Finn). So. Really. Nothing. Wrong.

Damn it. Her daughter was getting married. To Cormac. McLaggen.

"Oh my God," Liz let out, tears bursting out of her eyes as she literally launched herself at Katie, arms going around her daughter and knocking her down in the couch.

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