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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-03-18 21:27:00

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Entry tags:meme

dirty dirty
Pick a character any character, past or present. Pick a number 43-127. That number will correspond to a list of questions here: http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/.

As of March 18th, there are 127 TMI questionnaires posted. I will have my character then answer those questions.

If you can't get back, put into the search bar, tmi tuesday #__

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Liz, #49
2008-03-19 09:25 pm UTC (link)
1. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the without anything steamy happening? (Opposite sex for breeders, same sex for homosexuals). Yep. I think James and I have fallen asleep on the Gryffindor couch like, a billion times. But I usually ended up pushing him off, so.

2. Have you eve streaked, flashed, or otherwise partially or totally exposed yourself in public before (or after) an informal, unofficial gathering of people? OH GOD NO. Fuck, no!

3. Have you had dates with multiple people in the same weekend (or consecutive nights or the same night) while not all of your dates were aware of your actions? I...hrm. Well. I kind of kissed Ian while still dating Fletch, so..I guess so :[

4. What is the most "romantic" you have ever gotten in a movie theater? The only movie I've been too is with Smeth to see Star Wars, AND no, nothing happened there.

5. Have you ever had sex when you knew a non-participating adult was watching? UH, I REALLY HOPE NOT, IAN.

Bonus (as in optional): If you could say anything you wanted anonymously to anyone, without identifying that person, what would you say? I fucking hate you for ruining years of my life and years to come and I wish I hadn't been so dumb but I know now that it's not all my fault but I hate you for ever making me think it was.

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