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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-03-18 21:27:00

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dirty dirty
Pick a character any character, past or present. Pick a number 43-127. That number will correspond to a list of questions here: http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/.

As of March 18th, there are 127 TMI questionnaires posted. I will have my character then answer those questions.

If you can't get back, put into the search bar, tmi tuesday #__

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2008-03-19 03:59 am UTC (link)
Matilda. 96.

Booth. 74.

Phoebe. 111.

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Matilda, #96
2008-03-19 04:20 am UTC (link)
1. Define "infidelity" as it relates to a relationship. Have you ever been guilty of infidelity? Have you ever been the victim of infidelity? Have you ever been a participant in someone else's infidelity? Ugh. Kissing, touching. Anything beyond looking. Even talking dirty is bad. I've never done it, but I would've at the beginning of my relationship with John. And I know he did, and at the time I said I didn't care, but I really fucking hated him for it.

2. What is the last thing you stole? Why would I steal?

3. Name one place in your country that you have never been but would like to visit and why. I've never been to Paris. Because, I think everyone should go to Paris once in their life.

4. What movies can you watch over and over again? What's a movie?

5. Who is the last person you saw naked? John, of course. Just a few minutes ago, actually.

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Tomas, #74
2008-03-19 04:31 am UTC (link)
1. What is your favorite charity? Do you you give your time or just money to that charity? What? No! I mean. I would if I had money? Or well Avis used all my money to buy herself a quidditch player. So I guess that one. I dunno what it was.

2. Describe your bed. What side do you sleep on? Our bed is big. And soft. And...with red sheets. And I sleep on the left side. But I move around a lot, so that's just where I start.

3. How important is a partners kissing ability? Very. I mean, why would you want to kiss someone who made you go BLECK every time you did?

4. Have you ever purposely tried to seduce someone over a long period of time? Erm, yes. A few times. But the only one that actually ended up working out splendidly was the one that IGNORED ME FOR LIKE FUCKING MONTHS so. Yay. Except not for me during that time.

5. Top or bottom? Top!

Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever shaved your pubic hair? Ergh. Once in fourth year because I made the quidditch team and I thought---I DUNNO I didn't want to get embarrassed.

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Phoebe, #111
2008-03-19 04:41 am UTC (link)
1. Are you a member of the mile high club? What's that? I mean, oy, lemme ask-----AH. NO. NO. I mean! I've never even been! Where would you---? OH. No. Nono.

2. What is the most public place you have ever had sex? IHAVENEVERHADSEX

3. What is your most embarrassing family moment? HAHA well okay my grandma makes us go to all those hoity toity things right?! So she tried setting up Smethy with some other girl BUT IT TURNED OUT TO BE A GUY WITH LONG HAIR. SO THAT WAS HILAAARIOUS. Except then the guy tried to hit on me and I was like MEEP and spilled this whole thing of punch and then got laughed at. So the guy brought BOTH OF US PAIN AND HUMILIATION :[

4. What kind of birth control do you use? Uhhhhh abstinence?

5. Have you ever had sex in the snow? Rain? NO!!!! Except I mean it's always so romantic when people kiss in the rain so that's an idea---I MEAN. NO.

Bonus (as in optional):Describe your flirting technique: innuendo, telling a dirty joke, talking about sex life, or physical contact? Oy! Well. I dunno, I kind of just talk to people! And act friendly. Like with Elphias I just sorta noticed he got silly around me so I guess I tried to dress nicer and sit closer to him and stuff...oy that sounds so childish, but I mean! Made him kiss me! Hehe!

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