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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-03-27 18:59:00

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Well, when I was your age...
Pick one of my characters, and I'll give you a drabble of them from the age of 14 and down. Could be a solo bit or you could request a pair of friends (or first crushes, whatever!)

Because honestly, who doesn't love the child version of themselves? Don't answer that.

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2008-03-28 06:28 am UTC (link)
Finn let out another shriek, digging his heels into the carpet as his brother continued to drag him throughout the house, shaggy hair flailing around his face greatly as he feverishly shook his head. The little brother wailed and hollered, trying his hardest to pull away, but Tibs' grip on his hand was simply too strong.

"I. DUNT. WANNA!" Finn hollered, throwing himself to the ground and letting out a howl as the tears started to fall. Tiberius let out a great, dramatic sigh, and kicked his brother in the arm.

"Get up!"


"UP! UP!"

"NO NO!"


The shrieks stopped immediately and Finn glared up at his brother, cheeks still wet with tears. He hated that thread, only because Tibs really had broken one of his planes before, so he knew it actually could happen.

Begrudgingly Finn got to his feet, trudging after his big brother (who had the smugest look a ten year old could possible muster) and dropping heavily into the kitchen chair. He eyed Tibs with a terribly suspicious glare, crossing his arms hard over his chest.

"I dunt wanna cut my hair."

"All good soldiers have short hair," Tibs responded, pulling out the electric shaver from the drawer. When he'd stored it in there, Finn didn't know, but his eyes widened as it began to buzz loudly, "Now be a good soldier and sit still."

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