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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-03-27 18:59:00

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Well, when I was your age...
Pick one of my characters, and I'll give you a drabble of them from the age of 14 and down. Could be a solo bit or you could request a pair of friends (or first crushes, whatever!)

Because honestly, who doesn't love the child version of themselves? Don't answer that.

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Santiago and Pri
2008-03-28 02:09 pm UTC (link)
"I am really glad you could come!" Santiago exclaimed happily over to Pri as they trudged up the sand dune, surfboard under his arm. Deus, it was such a relief hanging out with people his own age, instead of his hermanas estupidas. Honestly, Graciela was in her questioning stage, so everything was 'Que es eso? What's that? What's this?" and Andrea, well she was just annoying all the time, so Santiago was really glad to have Priyaranjan around! For two weeks!

"Me too!" Pri responded, though it was more of a huff as the sand kept sliding out from underneath them. Santiago grinned and they finally made it over the dune.

"Now is the easy part!" he shouted, sliding down to the beach and hurrying toward the water. Man, when was the last time he got to go surfing with someone? Andrea never wanted to get her hair wet, and Graciela was scared of the waves. He turned around to wave Pri on, but was surprised to see his friend still at the top of the dune. Santiago hurried back over, "What's wrong?"

"I didn't know we'd be surfing in the ocean!" Pri said, pure terror on his face.

"Of course it is the ocean, where did you think?"

"I dunno! Like! A lake! A nice, waveless, lake."

"How do you surf with no waves?"

"I dunno, magic?"

Santiago's face fell and was ready to start arguing, but at that moment two very pretty meninas walked by. It was no surprise that both of the boys stopped their bickering to straighten up and puff out their not so impressive chests. The girls continued past but soon giggles were heard, and Santiago and Pri shared a glance.

"Okay, maybe we do not have to go surfing," Santiago said, and Pri nodded quickly, both dropping their boards, immediately in pursuit.

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