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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-04-25 20:23:00

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Entry tags:meme, writings

I need to get the mojo back
Here's how it happens. You give me a couple, any couple (so long as I've played one of the characters) and I'll write a drabble around 100 words about them in reply to your comment. This can be ANY couple (anything.. shippiness or cuteness or whatever), and it can have been a game-canon couple, or something completely off-the-wall. I do back-history, I do future, and I do AU crack. If you want a particular theme or rating, let me know. The ratings will be anywhere from G to uh, well I suppose NC-17 but I dunno if I can get that in 100ish words.

/ = Shippyness and "and" means ordinary interaction

I've been in a weird funk this week, maybe this'll shake things loose x)

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2008-04-26 06:03 am UTC (link)
Melinda/Sirius sezzytime.

Liz/Sirius, 4th year >>

Mycroft and Berk in a dance club.

Tom and Claire, Fiona let her get her ears pierced?

Tim, Daphne, Astoria and Lisa.

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2008-04-26 08:05 pm UTC (link)

Liz stomped and jumped and screamed, but no matter what she did he wouldn't lower her camera. No, no the stupid prat was holding it high over his head and not budging as she made an absolute fool of herself.

Right. She should probably stop causing a scene.


"Give it back give it back GIVE IT BACK!" Liz shrieked again, swinging out hard to punch Sirius in the arm, but he dodging the blow and then bounced around in a stupid dance.

"Ahhhhaa---missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me!" he teased, sticking his tongue out, camera still held over his head. Liz's face was as red as a quaffle, and she was ready to kick Sirius there, but she knew that would just cause a lifelong super annoyance instead of an annoyance that she got along with most days.

Her fists were clenched, and Sirius looked so smug---Liz's hand shot out and grabbed the front of his shirt, and she pulled down Sirius to eye level. The smug expression didn't leave, as Liz assumed he was awaiting a threat, but before he could open his mouth, she kissed him hard--

--that had been the deal, right? Missed him? Had to kiss him?

Luckily for Liz, she was quick, and she caught her camera as Sirius dropped it. She had let him go in the process, and didn't bother looking back at his definitely stunned expression as she huffed away angrily up the stairs of the dorm.

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