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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-05-09 12:51:00

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I am spamming your f-list like whooaaa
Here's what you give me:
1) one of my characters
2) another character played by you or me or anyone else

Here's what I'll give you:
1) a letter of some sort written to that character

You can choose a love letter, an advice with how to deal with another person, a venting letter about another character, whatever. If you want something written about a third character you will have to name that individual.

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2008-05-11 04:18 am UTC (link)
Remus told me I should write a letter---and I mean, he's smart, right? He said he wrote letters to people that died--- he'd lost and Remus said that James wrote a letter to his mum so I mean---it has to be a good idea, if they did it. They always had good ideas. Dying my hair pink in third year, even though I cried, had been a good idea too. I figured out that I simply couldn't be a psychedelic pop star.

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you so much that my heart hurts, it hurts and I don't know what to do. Ian keeps telling me I have to relax and be calm for the baby and I'm sure that the only reason I'm still around here is for him. He's going to be Ian, too, I like that. I think you'd like it too.

I don't know what to say, I'm just going to keep rambling. I miss you. I miss you, Lily. I felt like I couldn't breathe for the few months after you died everything, and sometimes its still hard, but I try---you're proud of me, right? That I'm still trying? Katie misses you too, Ian would miss you if he knew you, and I'm going to tell him all about you, Lily, I promise, he's going to know all about you and James and Harry----they took Harry away, I don't know where he is Lily, I'm sorry but I don't know where they sent him and Remus told me he's safe but I want to see him and make sure but all I can do is trust Remus.

I'm tired, I'm big and fat and bloated and hungry and with everything that comes with a pregnancy I still find time in my day to sit and think about you. And Peter. And Marlie. And Ben. And Alice. And Frank. And Gilly. And Fabian and Dorcas and James I miss James almost as much as I miss you. I miss his laugh and I miss being called Lizzie and I miss being really short and I miss hugs I miss everything and I can't do anything to get it back.

You're dead

Lily died she's dead you're--
You're dead, and I can't change that. I would if I could, but I can't so---I'm going to be really cliché and say that your death isn't going to go to waste and...and my children are going to grow up in a world with no war, and they're going to be happy, and they're going to pull pranks and become head boy and girl and they're going to find the love of their lives in the halls of Hogwarts and not get knocked up a month out of school. Not that I regret it, but hell. You know what I mean. You always knew what I meant even in my big rambles (and I guess this is the final one that you'll have to understand). Katie and Ian are going to be amazing, I promise you, and one day they're going to meet Harry and they're all going to be amazing together, I promise.

I love you. I love you. I love you Lily and---- goodbye, bye, good bye.

Love, Liz

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