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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-05-09 12:51:00

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I am spamming your f-list like whooaaa
Here's what you give me:
1) one of my characters
2) another character played by you or me or anyone else

Here's what I'll give you:
1) a letter of some sort written to that character

You can choose a love letter, an advice with how to deal with another person, a venting letter about another character, whatever. If you want something written about a third character you will have to name that individual.

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2008-05-14 06:45 pm UTC (link)
First of all, I love you I love you I love you and I will love you forever and ever and ever.

I'm sorry I have to tell you this way, but I knew if I tried to tell you or Maddox or Moses in person, you guys would've tied me up and never let me out of the house, but this is something I have to do and I hope you all understand that.

Ralph's family has been the target of death eater attacks for the past year, and it's finally come to ahead. Ralph was given the opportunity to change his name and history and go live in the muggle world under a new identity. And I'm going with him.


I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but I love Ralph, and I know I'm going to be with him for the rest of my life. This isn't some school crush, this is true, undying love and I'm sorry that it's taking me away from my family, but if it keeps him alive and safe, I will follow Ralph anywhere.

I can't tell you where we're living, what we're doing, but I am going to do my best to visit you guys when I can, because I do not want to lose my family, I don't. I just want you all to know that I'm not doing this as a dumb teenager, but as a woman who needs to protect her family.

I hope you don't hate me. You were always the most logical one, so when Maddox and Moses burst into your room (I'm estimating in about five seconds as I sent the letters off at the same time) please try to make sure they understand).

I love you, hopefully I'll see you soon.

Love, Miranda

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