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emmsie ([info]crocketed) wrote,
@ 2008-08-06 17:11:00

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Give me a decision any of my characters has made in the past and I'll tell you what would have happened had they chosen differently.

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2008-08-07 04:47 am UTC (link)
Hmm! Caradoc and Mackenzie going through with the marriage! L O L XD

uhmm Frank not getting taken to France (even though that wasn't his fault) / Frank actually going over to the dark side :O

Anneliese staying with Fabian (ugh Will made this one really hard to write XDD)

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Caradoc and Mackenzie
2008-08-08 02:57 am UTC (link)


Well, I think they would act like they weren't really married, honestly xDDD Like, they would live in the same house, but just sort of act as... coexisting with each other to the point where it was like school all over again. I don't think he would date though, just because he has enough respect for Mackenzie to not do that to her, even though they both know she's like :[ Sebastian and he's like UGH SEX lmao. Caradoc wouldn't have joined the Order, I think, and probably would have just become a death eater, because his life was shit anyway lmao. Eventually, they would have gotten a divorce, or had a kid and just stayed married for the rest of their lives, I think. xDDDD Sorta miserable, but I think getting married would have broken both their spirits.

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2008-08-08 03:02 am UTC (link)

Okay big secret but for a few threads back then, I totally saw Frank just totally loosing it and giving in. Like... not caring what he would leave home by doing it and becoming a bloody death eater and... being fine with it o_O There's a fine line, and with a push I think it could have happened. He would be a pretty messed-up DE though, lmao. Like... Lestranges style xDDDD Just totally not caring, and completely believing the muggles are scum thing with the wicked creepy smile. Eek.

If Frank hadn't gone to France.... he definitely wouldn't have been a good Auror. lmao Or a good Order memeber, and he would have been in for a wide awakening once everything started getting rolling.

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Anneliese & Fabian
2008-08-08 03:07 am UTC (link)

I think if Will had bowed out, or Fabian had came back to remotely apologize to her she... would have gone back to him. Because for her, Fabian was her 'first love' sort of thing, and she fell really hard for him. I mean... [okay Will, close your eyes no] she still loves him even now and that's not going to go away ever. And if Will ever made her think that he wasn't-- like it anything went wrong with them, she would eventually go back to Fabian, whether he was dating someone at the time or not. sigh. lmao He's just... he's like a drug to her. xDDD She knows that their relationship wasn't healthy, but she would not be able to resist the chance to go back. She probably would have married him, if it came up and... yeah. lmao

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