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emmsie ([info]crocketed) wrote,
@ 2008-08-06 17:11:00

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Give me a decision any of my characters has made in the past and I'll tell you what would have happened had they chosen differently.

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2008-08-08 02:40 am UTC (link)
Oooohh. HMM right what happened is sort of confusing... lmao >.> ANYWAY.

I think... he would have tried to hook up with someone really really hot (a la Narcissa 6th year) to try to make Juliet jealous--- again. Because he wouldn't have been able to let go of her that quickly or easily. And then after a while he would have just sulked for a really long time, going through random girls and possibly even going as far as attempting to kill anyone who tried to date Juliet in the process lmao. But yes, he would've indirectly fought for a while, and then given up, never really getting over her (aw, Cor you better be reading this xDDD).

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