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emmsie ([info]crocketed) wrote,
@ 2010-01-09 13:15:00

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Entry tags:meme

children meme
Name one of my characters' children and none or more of your characters' children, and I will write a drabble featuring them. If you have a specific child or prompt in mind, include that, too.

"/" = shipping and "+" = general fic

my children!


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2010-04-12 03:56 am UTC (link)
Much to contrary belief, Evan did not enjoy it when people slammed large files of paperwork on his desk. Who liked receiving page after page of English and French waited to be translate? And especially that way, so--- rudely. Usually the context so pointless he sometimes wondered if his assignments were jokes. So, it was only common sense that he took his sweet time acknowledging said slam, and even longer to acknowledge said slamer standing in front of his desk.

"Can I help you?" Evan asked in English, finding when he spoke in that language he sounded much more innocent.

On the other side of the table, Gabriella Jugson let out something of a clucking noise, and shifted her stance. Her glares were not going to work on him, no no. She would have to do much better than that to get him to switch to French.

"ArrĂȘte tes bĂ©tises," she drawled, her fingers curling to grip the sides of her hips tightly.

"Hm?" Evan responded, letting a look of confusion wash over his face. She glared again, and pushed the stack of parchment closer to his hand as she did so. "Stop being stupid," Gabriella spoke again, no amusement apparent on her face.

Evan's eyebrow rose to her switching language, intrigued that she had given in so easily. Maybe because they were at work, or perhaps because it was the end of the day (he certainly wouldn't want to be dealing with himself at this time of the day), but either way he was intrigued. He stood up, completely ignoring everything else.

"And what is it?"

Gabrielle rolled her eyes again, her arms crossing over her chest. "International floo calls that were recorded. I need them for my case," she stated in a matter of the fact tone, her intense eyes locking with his. He really did enjoy this severe side of her, much to her disbelief.

"Sounds incredibly-- like something I could get to tomorrow." Evan's smile turned into a sly grin as he moved closer to her, eventually resting his hands on the side of her face. Gabriella stayed very still, her arms still tightly crossed over her chest as he leaned in closer.

"It would behoove you do to your damn job," she muttered, her face titling slightly, moving away just enough so that his lips missed hers.


"Who knows how much time I'll want to spend with you tonight if you keep me waiting."

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