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danielle r. rookwood ([info]curador) wrote,
@ 2011-07-19 21:29:00

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[DONOVAN] I'm having some concerns. [/DONOVAN]

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2011-07-19 11:08 pm UTC (link)
I feel! I feel as if---I feel if we wait until September to get married, then something is going to go wrong, I feel nervous every day about someone doing something to ruin it all for us.

I sound incredibly paranoid and overworked, please ignore me! Oh God I am--

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2011-07-19 11:13 pm UTC (link)
As much as I hate to admit it, those are valid concerns.

What do you suggest we do? You've been working yourself to the bone, trying to put everything together. I don't think the hall will be prepared on such short notice, and then there's the matter of resending invitations.

I don't mean to cause you more stress, I'm just trying to evaluate the situation so we can work on easing your anxiety.

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2011-07-19 11:18 pm UTC (link)
So I'm not crazy! That's good to know.

I don't know, I mean--we don't have to have a big party, I don't need that, we weren't even going to have a big party, it was just our friends.

I don't even need them, I just want you.

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2011-07-19 11:23 pm UTC (link)
There's no reason you shouldn't have everything - the party, our friends; whatever you want.

All I've ever wanted is for you to be happy.

I think I may have a solution - a way to stop you from having any more concerns about the wedding, and still keep all the plans we have set for September.

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2011-07-19 11:25 pm UTC (link)
You've found a time turner that will shoot us into the future to the morning of our wedding??

No, that would require---
Go on, tell me!

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2011-07-19 11:30 pm UTC (link)
You and I can go to the Court House, as early as tomorrow, and legally be married.

That way, come September, we'll have a true ceremony, and if anyone tries to ruin that, at least we'll know we still have what we ever truly wanted.

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2011-07-19 11:34 pm UTC (link)

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