Dark Puck - 50 Sentences [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
April 17th, 2009
03:55 pm
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50 Sentences

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Date:April 18th, 2009 11:33 pm (UTC)
A very good exploration of what a woman pinned between two armies is willing to do to protect her people. Also, very hot - Fast and Sudden are both very va-va-voom.

I think, however, it's Villain that pleases me most individually, for the summation of all the bad guys. (Well, except Zhao, but you know, Zhao.)

On the flip side, the running romance with Lu Ten makes me smile. It's going to be fun to work with him in the evil Water Tribe AU, find the right balance between decent, whole Fire Royal and the ideas and ideals he was likely raised with.
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Date:April 18th, 2009 11:39 pm (UTC)
fast and sudden are some of the raciest things I think I've ever done. >.>;; I'm going to have to get some steamy icons, I think.

Mmmyes, Villain. *snuggles it* That is a theme I love to work with, though -- or rather, it's the flip side of a theme I love working with. I mean, look at WW - a lot of my characters on the side of the Alliance are decent men and women. So we have your Villains In Name Only and your Good Guys In Name Only - two sides, same coin, etc.

Heh, poor Lu Ten. Add to that having to take care of Ozai and keep him from flying off the handle...
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