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Integrate Facebook Apps into Your Marketing Efforts for Massive Benefits [20 Aug 2012|11:26am]

If you’re searching for effective strategies to expand your company’s marketing efforts, then perhaps it’s time to consider the numerous benefits that exist for brands expanding through social media. Today, one of the most effective forms of reach is through the development of facebook apps for higher audience engagement and retention.

Facebook application development, when done well, offers extended branding, customer engagement, and lead generation. This marketing tactic also delivers increased web traffic, reputation management, and access to this social network and its intangible value. When your brand is savvy enough to hold its own in this marketplace, you gain a bit of the, “cool factor,” which further propels your brand’s awareness and reputation.

There are already nearly 3,400 applications installed on Facebook. Although the majority of these exist for fun and are non-business in nature, there are many clever apps that are helping big brands extend their awareness and audience reach through newer, more social feedback mechanisms. The companies that have implemented Facebook apps in their marketing efforts are using Facebook not only for branding and awareness, but also market intelligence. Using this social giant’s unique form of customer engagement enables smart companies to glean a bit more about their consumer behavior based on content sharing and commentary provided.

Of course the likely holy grail of facebook application development is the hope that one’s business app will benefit from a viral effect. This level of awareness and attention takes word-of-mouth to an entirely new level! Think of a viral effect as a crowd attracting an even bigger crowd, and so on!

Through the benefits of increased awareness, intelligence, and buzz it’s no wonder why many corporations are beginning to consider the many benefits of Facebook application development. Becoming an active and engaging brand on this platform is a critical part of 21st century marketing evolution. Consider the opportunities that participating in this active community may bring and sift through customer behaviors, comments, and usage to build successful cases for targeting new niches and vertical markets – with very specific tactics for execution.

If you’re sold on the need for Facebook apps, then you’ll want to find a development firm you can rely on to create the perfect application for your business or brand. A standout company in this market is ConvoSpark, having represented such big brands as Taco Bell, Nestle, Qualcomm, and BNSF Railway, among others. Delivering exceptional customer service with superb communication is what really positions this company ahead of its competition. Learn more about them by visiting www.convospark.com and get started creating your own Facebook apps with their expert guidance.

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Tips to Avoid Frustration when Considering Facebook Application Development [20 Aug 2012|11:32am]

There are not many savvy business professionals today that wouldn’t agree that Facebook is one of this era’s must-have advertising platforms. However, there is much strategy behind a solid Facebook marketing initiative and the planning or preparation of effective tactics is unfortunately an afterthought for many businesses. If you’re thinking that facebook application development might make sense for your business, then take some time to thoroughly plot your path and objectives for a more successful launch. Here are some tips that may help to lower frustration when in the midst of your Facebook campaign development.

Begin by taking the time to really define who you are as a company and brand. Think deeply and remain honest as you go through this process. By taking this time to define corporate philosophies, missions, and beliefs, you will gain a strong edge in your positioning on this heavily-saturated media giant. Decide who you really wish to market to and develop an online persona that plays to strengths that attract this audience. Consider discussion points like these to get you started:

1.Define what your company or brand stands for. Do you have a mission statement…does this align with your current brand perception?

2. Who is your target audience? What are they like? What behaviors are common to this group?

3. Do you provide a unique solution or strength? What is it? Is there more than one strength?

4. What makes your services or products better than your competition?

5. What is your purpose in business, besides gaining profit?

Once you’ve got a better understanding of who you are as a brand, you’ll want to spend some time considering positioning in your marketplace. Sometimes, the best way to get this discussion started is by discussing who you don’t want to be. Ask yourself, what competitors do business in a manner that you disagree with. Who have your customers complained about lately? Now, take the information you’ve stirred up and determine how you need to structure and position your own company to avoid such pitfalls. Don’t be afraid to take a stand and offer truly uniqupositioning for your brand.

Finally, don’t be afraid to do a little less sometimes. It’s far better to develop, higher quality marketing and web content than simply high quantities! Re-tune your efforts to focus on those items that maintain real priority. Get back to the roots of your marketing efforts and pay good attention to your website, blog, and Facebook fan page. Choose marketing activities which yield the highest ROI and don’t be afraid to outsource some creative production to expert firms – especially when considering Facebook application development.

Speaking of positioning and brand definition, if you’re searching for a Facebook app development company that delivers excellent customer service, project communication, and stand-out results then you’ll wish to visit www.convospark.com. This company has made it part of their corporate mission to develop solid customer relationships – not simply Facebook application development! If you’re searching for a firm with extensive experience and exceptional service, then ConvoSpark is a true leader amongst this market’s facebook app development company, select few.

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Facebook App Developers Advise on Crafting an Effective Social Media Budget [20 Aug 2012|12:28pm]

Before executing any marketing program, it’s important for companies to spend some time targeting their specific audience. Begin at the beginning, with your target customer in mind. Then develop a plan to execute that’s based on their social behaviors and not necessarily target platforms. Determine exactly what makes these consumers a perfect fit and how you can offer more than your competition.

Brainstorm before you budget to develop more creative marketing plans. Often, this is known as a zero-budget plan and it helps to differentiate truly unique and effective ideas from the repetitive and stale strategies that many companies fall in habit with. Furthermore, spend extra time analyzing sources that are already producing a good ROI. Consider how enhancing various programs may increase revenue and potential in your marketplace.

Start venturing into social media conservatively. Try a few simple campaigns and adjust the programs according to their results. Use this to pinpoint the most effective messages, images, and engagement opportunities that work with your audience. If you wish to make a bigger splash in social media, consider working with one of today’s leading Facebook app development companies.facebook app developers know and understand the full potential of a well-thought and executed app. Are you wondering where you might possibly scrape up the budget for such an undertaking? Consider allocating funds from traditional advertising sources as a start. Often reallocating even 1-2% is enough to bolster social media programs for truly effective results and increased brand awareness.

Today’s top Facebook app developers are savvy to the necessary strategies and thinking required to develop a successful branding app. They will work with closely with corporate marketers to truly define features and venues to make such an application really resonate with its intended audience. Although it’s very possible to consider developing such a marketing product in-house, there is a true advantage to those who choose to partner with seasoned experts in this field. They will likely avoid many pitfalls of novice social media professionals and have already been through many hard knocks in the arena of Facebook app development companies.

If you’re ready to begin researching potential for working with leading Facebook app developers, then consider visiting ConvoSpark’s website at www.convospark.com. There, you’ll find informative articles that describe and detail each step of the development process along with an online portfolio of successful projects. ConvoSpark is one of the few facebook app development companies that have made it a core mission of their organization to deliver exceptional customer service and communication for every project they undertake.

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