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Himon ([info]dog_of_rage) wrote,
@ 2010-09-30 22:16:00

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Misery Loves Company - Test Scene
Himon sits in his cell as he has every day for the last month, plotting a way out of this predicament. Twice now, he has knocked out the guards and gotten as far as the entrance to the holding pens before his grandfather has caught him. Each time, the Omega Beams hit him from seemingly nowhere and he finds himself back in his cell, considering a new plan of escape.

The cell across from him was empty until yesterday, when they brought the newest prisoner in. Upon seeing her, Himon's face paled in shock. The beating his cousin Hope had taken was vintage Kalibak, which meant that Hope had fought back. He knew she would, because that was the kind of person Hope was. But Hope fought when she /had/ to, rather than for the sake of hurting people.

Kalibak held no such compunctions.

As she stirs, Himon watches her, struggling to maintain impassive. He understands the psychology of putting them in the same area together, but the real question is /why/?

What is Darkseid hoping to obtain?

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 01:53 am UTC (link)
The heated burned at Hope's fingers, but she paid it no mind, determined to escape from this horrible place. Once she could get to a safe enough spot, she would contact Uncle Orion and New Genesis, and tell them what Darkseid was doing to his son and niece.

When she reached the clearing, she snarled at Darkseid and Kalibak, gripping her mace.

Instead of attacking, however, she stood, listening to them with the same hardened glare on her face.

"You underestimate Rex, Darkseid," she said, a smug looking smirk on her face. "He is stronger than you think.

And you underestimate me. Your threats have no power over me. I will never give in to your demands." A look of mock pity was thrown at Kalibak.

"Fortunately for me, the heat here has not turning my brain into a rotting hunk."

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 03:16 am UTC (link)
"Your mouth is beginning to annoy me, Wench. I will close it for you." Kalibak says, hefting his axe and striding forward.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 03:18 am UTC (link)
"Stand down, Kalibak. Hope remains unspoiled until I say so." Darkseid says, finally turning around to face her.

"You do realize that you are not my true target, don't you, Hope? I want to play a game with you. I have kidnapped you and made sure that your lover knows it.

Tell me the events that will follow." Darkseid says.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 03:26 am UTC (link)
Hope's face paled.

Of COURSE Darkseid would have made it known she had been kidnapped. And Rex, being Rex, would feel obligated to tell Avia, who would tell their parents, who would...

No. Of COURSE her family would come for her. They wouldn't just leave her to rot on Apokolips.

"You monster!" Hope flew at Darkseid, her mace raised above her head.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 03:55 am UTC (link)
Now, Kalibak steps in to defend his master and Darkseid does not even flinch as Hope's mace connects with Kalibak's axe.

Kalibak matches his strength against hers, holding her back as soon as possible.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 03:57 am UTC (link)
"Oh, but you haven't finished your musings, have you? Tell me, Hope. Your father will give anything he has to have you back, whole and safe. Even himself.

Or, more importantly...the Anti-Life Equation." Darkseid says, smiling at her with malice.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 04:01 am UTC (link)
Hope struggled against Kalibak, completely consumed by her rage.

"I'll kill you!" She spat at Darkseid. "So help me, I'll kill you!"

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 04:13 am UTC (link)
Darkseid murmurs in delight as Hope's rage becomes more and more palpable. He can feel her hatred, her suffering, her despair and he feeds upon it ravenously.

"If I believed you capable of doing so, Hope Free, you would be dead right now. I have offered you the chance to stand at my side, and you have refused me.

If you will not be my knight, then you will be my pawn." Darkseid says, his eyes glowing a fierce crimson.

The Omega Beams fire from his eyes, curve over Kalibak's head and hit Hope square in the back and chest, burning every single one of her nerve endings to its core, spreading the agony from her her skin to the core of her being.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 04:20 am UTC (link)
The Omega Beams hit their mark, and Hope fell to the ground, crying out in pain. She struggled to get back up, trying to ignore the pain shooting throughout her entire body.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 04:31 am UTC (link)
Kalibak steps aside as Darkseid walks forward, his footfalls heavy on the ground.

"If you will not stand with me, you will kneel at my feet." he says as smoke rises from his eyes.

"You will lead my Female Furies, and you will drag your mother, father and sister before me in chains.

And you will do it gladly." he says.

Then he blasts her again and again and again.

And then again.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 04:34 am UTC (link)
"You'll have to kill me," Hope spat.

The pain shooting through her entire body was agonizing. She could feel her vision start to blur...though still, she tried to stand.

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Re: Near the Fire Pits!
2010-10-05 04:50 am UTC (link)
"For the Anti-Life Equation, my granddaughter, I would wring every drop of blood, every breath of air and every ounce of life from your body and not regret the decision." Darkseid says.

"Now, kneel!" he says, turning the Omega Beams on full force.

Hope is teleported across Apokolips to the Rehabilitation Center, where Granny Goodness has strapped her into a hard chair.

"Oh, Hope! You are being given the highest of honors. Granny wonders why you can't see that." the elderly woman sneers.

"Now, tell Granny when it hurts." she says, throwing a switch.

And so begins Hope's torture at the hands of her "family".

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