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Himon ([info]dog_of_rage) wrote,
@ 2010-09-30 22:16:00

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Misery Loves Company - Test Scene
Himon sits in his cell as he has every day for the last month, plotting a way out of this predicament. Twice now, he has knocked out the guards and gotten as far as the entrance to the holding pens before his grandfather has caught him. Each time, the Omega Beams hit him from seemingly nowhere and he finds himself back in his cell, considering a new plan of escape.

The cell across from him was empty until yesterday, when they brought the newest prisoner in. Upon seeing her, Himon's face paled in shock. The beating his cousin Hope had taken was vintage Kalibak, which meant that Hope had fought back. He knew she would, because that was the kind of person Hope was. But Hope fought when she /had/ to, rather than for the sake of hurting people.

Kalibak held no such compunctions.

As she stirs, Himon watches her, struggling to maintain impassive. He understands the psychology of putting them in the same area together, but the real question is /why/?

What is Darkseid hoping to obtain?

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2010-10-03 04:09 am UTC (link)
Hope snarled when the parademon hit the Lowlie.

"No," she said, "It would appear that he only hires those as spineless as him, cousin."

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2010-10-03 04:36 am UTC (link)
Now the Parademons laugh at Hope's anger, the Insulted One, most especially. For good measure, he kicks the Lowlie, and there's a sharp crack from her mid-section and she yelps, clutching herself in pain.

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2010-10-03 04:40 am UTC (link)
/That/ is more than enough to provoke Himon.

"Is that the best you can do, Cowards?! You cannot fight us, so you'll attack a defenseless woman! COME IN AND TRY THAT WITH ME!" he yells, springing to his feet and clutching the bars.

Hope will feel her own simmering rage boil over into something far more palpable as Himon snarls at the Parademons

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2010-10-03 04:45 am UTC (link)
Hope could feel her blood boil. "Come and face us!" She said, gripping the bars so tight she could swear that they'd break if she gripped them any tighter. "I doubt you'll be laughing after I'm kicking your head to ground!"

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2010-10-03 04:53 am UTC (link)
The Insulted One laughed, kicking the woman over and over again, until Hope's and Himon's words cut through his fun.

He was tired of being called a coward by prisoners, New Gods or not. So was his partner.

The parademons leave the woman in a heap on the floor and enter the cell, intent on showing Hope the error of her ways.

The bring their stun-maces to bear on the young woman as they open the cell, ready to pummel her while she is chained to the wall.

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2010-10-03 04:54 am UTC (link)
Himon simply waits, knowing that Hope is going to have to handle this herself, as he's across the room, chained to his own wall.

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2010-10-03 05:01 am UTC (link)
Hope snarled, bringing her legs up to smash into their heads.

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2010-10-03 05:03 am UTC (link)
The second Parademon is kicked, staggering back a few steps, but the Insulted One lashes out with his mace, driving it into Hope's rib cage.

The second one comes back shortly after and tries to hit her as well.

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2010-10-03 05:38 am UTC (link)
Hope grunted as the mace made contact with her rib cage. She raised her fists as high as she could, swinging full force at the Parademons, to knock their maces out of their hands.

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2010-10-03 08:43 pm UTC (link)
The second parademon is again unlucky and gets punched clear across the cell and out of Hope's cell door, crashing through Himon's and landing next to him. He doesn't move again.

Insulted One dodges Hope's punch, then swings again, trying to injure Hope's arm.

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2010-10-03 08:46 pm UTC (link)
Himon immediately searches the fallen Parademon and finds the key to his bindings. Unlocking himself from his manacles, he stands up and goes to aid Hope.

Insulted One is so busy tormenting Hope that he doesn't hear Himon sneak up behind him, raising his hands to deliver a clubbing blow to the top of the creature's head. Its neck snaps and it collapses to the floor, releasing its hold on its weapon.

Himon begins unlocking Hope's restraints.

"You still fight like a wild woman, Cousin." Himon grins.

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2010-10-03 09:04 pm UTC (link)
Hope cracked her knuckles, circling her wrists to get the blood flowing.

"You sound almost surprised, cousin." Hope said, grinning. She picked up the fallen Paredemon's mace.

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2010-10-03 09:08 pm UTC (link)
"Only that you let him get a couple of hits in first before you sent one over to me." he grins, going to retrieve the mace of the other fallen guard.

"Come, we need to hurry." Himon says, helping her to her feet, then turning to go to the door.

He checks on the fallen slave, finding that she has died from her injuries. Himon closes the woman's eyes and is silent for a brief moment.

"Some days, I wish Father really would kill Darkseid. The universe would be better for it." Himon grumbles.

Then he leads Hope out of the cells and down an alternate route to exit the back of the Holing Pens.

There are two Parademons on patrol, and Himon brings his mace down on the head of the first one.

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2010-10-03 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Hope nodded. "It would," she said. "I do not see why he is allowed to live."

Hope brought down her mace on the other Parademon.

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2010-10-03 09:26 pm UTC (link)
The second Parademon goes down without trouble, its eyes rolling back in its head.

"All right. Since we avoided the guards, our best bet is to head straight for the Fire Pits and on to Mas Edda. Perhaps we can find some clothing and disguise ourselves.

Follow me." Himon says, hoping that the alarms don't start in too soon.

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2010-10-03 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Hope nodded, following Himon. "Lead the way."

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