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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote,
@ 2013-09-05 00:05:00

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Current location:Seattle, Washington
Entry tags:bram harker, dolemeck

Pub Crawl
Dolemeck decided to take Bram up on his offer of a good old fashioned Pub Crawl. Well, old fashioned from Bram, as Dolemeck lived in a time when pubs and taverns did not really exist yet. Dressed in an outfit like the one he wore they first met in (White dress shirt, black vest, black dress slacks, and black leather dress shoes), Dolemeck waited form Bram outside of his new workplace, Starbucks. It was best that Bram pick him up, as he still did not know his way around the city, or which places were safe to go to, yet.

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2013-09-06 10:51 pm UTC (link)
"Very true," Bram says, "Though some secrets of the past do need to be brought to the light of day."

"It's a place that serves a lot of alcohol and usually some food," Bram says, "It's usually a pretty social place too. But they all can be pretty different besides that."

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2013-09-06 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"Social?" that made him panic a small bit. He was still not used to going out and socializing with people he did not know. The last time he did, he ended up so wasted he won a drag contest, ended up with a tattoo, and fought an angry phoenix that was actually a peacock. "I will try to be on my best behavior and not drink too much. I doubt the last thing you need to do is drag me out of the bloody place."

"And right now, my number one priority is trying this "Shepard's Pie" I keep hearing about."

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2013-09-06 11:10 pm UTC (link)
"Suite yourself," Bram says, "I'm going to see how much I can drink and see how much fun I can have." American women seemed to really like the English accent which suited Bram just fine.

"I'd order it fast. I'm not sure how late the kitchen is open." He had eaten before going out.

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2013-09-06 11:16 pm UTC (link)
"I will order as quickly as possible." He gave a quite nod of his head. "And...d o not drink far too much. I do not know how to operate a car to get us home... and shadowporting is dangerous with a drunk man. If I were to drop you while doing so, you would fall through the "shadow world" and right into Limbo itself. For some unknown reason, I cannot fall through unless I desired to."

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2013-09-06 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"It's fine I was planning on catching a cab home anyways and picking up my car tomorrow," Bram says with a nod. "I can pay for a cab ride for you too if you need it. And to be honest I'm not much of a fan of teleporting of any kind anyways."

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2013-09-07 12:20 am UTC (link)
"That is most kind of you. Are you sure that Tyler would not mind if I came home by cab if I got drunk?" He asked, his voice sounding somewhat worried. "And shadowporting is just... it has become a second nature to me. It just feels natural, now."

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2013-09-07 12:25 am UTC (link)
"I don't think there would be a problem at all with that," Bram says reassuringly having done it a couple of time around the world. "Well it's not natural to me. I prefer working with things of science if I can."

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2013-09-07 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Aye, I can understand that." He nodded once more as the car appeared to have come to a stop in front of the pub, it appeared to be packed with many men and women having a good time inside. Dolemeck just sunk into his seat a little bit. "I guess my nature changed when I was restored and my demonic abilities remained. I just make do with what I have, and now... well... I suppose I have to make due with being a stranger in a strange pub!"

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2013-09-07 12:36 am UTC (link)
Bram took the first available parking spot he could find. It would be a little bit of a walk but not much. "I couldn't tell you much about that type of thing without test. But pubs and bars are easy just be a friendly person and don't be a blood arsehole."

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2013-09-07 12:44 am UTC (link)
"I have never been an arsehole in all my life. Well... aside from that one time I nearly killed a man in a bookstore. But he shot me and had it coming." Dolemeck sighed as he got out of the car and walked with Bram inside of the pub. He did his best to smile and wave to people as he made his way to a booth. Thankfully the kitchen was still opened so he got to order the one meal he was most curious to try, and then paid for the first round of ale for Bram and himself.

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2013-09-07 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Well then that part should be no problem for you then," Bram says assuming that there was a little more to the bookstore story.

When the first round comes Bram downs his entire pint immediately and orders himself another round ready to get Dolemeck another round when he was ready.

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2013-09-07 12:59 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck took his time with his first pint, but soon downed the next. It was not hard to see that the demon could not handle his alcohol that well and was drunk by the time he finished his first pint.

Thankfully, Dolemeck was a happy drunk. He was singing drinking songs from his era (and in tune) while waving about his pint glass.

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2013-09-07 01:17 am UTC (link)
Bram could handle his beer pretty well but was starting to feel it after his second pint. He joined in the singing a little bit until he saw some girls across the bar that looked like they could use some company. So Bram got up to go and talk to them.

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2013-09-07 01:23 am UTC (link)
For him, it was a pleasant surprise to know someone else knew the old drinking songs of the homeland. Dolemeck was all smiles, finishing his Shepard's pie while Bram went to go flirt with the two lonely looking women at the bar.

It was not long before Dolemeck had some company of his own. He was busy talking with an older (though not as old as he was) gentlemen who came to sit in the booth with him once Bram left. So far, the two were having pleasant chatter and another round of drinks.

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2013-09-07 01:50 am UTC (link)
Bram is laughing and generally having a good time with his two new lady friends. When he orders himself another round of beer he notices Dolemeck seems to have made a new friend as well.

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2013-09-07 02:04 am UTC (link)
There was a clinking of pint glasses, roars of good cheer, and song from Dolemeck's section of the bar. He did not appear to be like the demon he proclaimed to be, but a happy go lucky human.

At one point, Dolemeck and the gentlemen he was talking with broke out into some traditional Scottish dancing. Enough that a small crowd would gather around to watch the show.

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2013-09-07 02:15 am UTC (link)
Bram kept on chatting with the girls and a few more joined them. They stopped and watched the little display of dancing for a while. Bram was glad to see that he was enjoying himself.

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2013-09-07 02:21 am UTC (link)
Eventually the dancing stopped and Dolemeck and his new friend sat back down, laughing their heads off and ordering more drink after a short applause. Dolemeck looked over, lifting his pint glass towards Bram, as he was in the company of quite a few women now.

His attentions soon turn to his company at the booth and they continue to chatter away about everything from food to drink. And then to more personal things, though Dolemeck held back on his past. Who would believe that he was once a Knight, anyway?

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2013-09-07 08:12 pm UTC (link)
Bram gave a cheers back to Dolemeck before going back to talking to the ladies. He avoided talking about the supernatural when he talked about his past. Things seems to be going pretty well for him with all of this.

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2013-09-07 09:52 pm UTC (link)
"Oh wow! You really ARE British!"

"He's soooo cute!

"Care for another round? perhaps back at my place?"

The women were all chattering about Bram as though they had never seen a real British person in all their life (which they probably did not). It almost reminded Dolemeck of how women would react to Argo... well, just not as badly (As those women would block off exits or try to jump in cars with the man). At least Bram was having fun, and not trying to run away from them (as he often had to do when visiting Argo).

His unusual green eyes turned back to his company. The man seemed quite nice, a gentlemen with a slight Scottish accent. He was in town on a business trip and spoke of all the places he had been and seen.

Dolemeck did not have much he could tell of his homeland, other than he was from Baths and how times had changed. The man would just smile, nod, order him another pint, and then rest a hand on the top of Dolemeck's as he spoke of Scotland and how beautiful of a place it had become, and how he wished he could take him there to see it.

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2013-09-07 10:34 pm UTC (link)
American women were very easy to deal with it seemed to Bram not that this was his first time doing this sort of thing. Bram got another round while he got to know the ladies a little better.

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2013-09-07 10:42 pm UTC (link)
More time had passed and Dolemeck nearly stumbled over to the crowd around Bram, giving him a small wave.

"This is most fun, aye?" He asked, almost slurring his words. For something that was a century and a half old, it was amazing that alcohol effected him so strong. "I am having a great time. In fact, that gentlemen has invited me back to his hotel for more drink and talk... so I think I am going to go... *hic* Will you be okay with getting a cab ride home, Bram? or maybe a ride from one of these pretty ladies?"

His own accent got the ladies to giggle and smile at him, but they were more focused on Bram. Not that Dolemeck cared, as he was still reeling from losing Nikki.

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2013-09-08 12:16 am UTC (link)
"OK mate have a good time with that," Bram says breaking away from his conversation for a little while, "I'll be fine getting back to my place or wherever I end up tonight."

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2013-09-08 12:41 am UTC (link)
"I shall. And... " Dolemeck leaned in to whisper something to Bram. "I hope you go home with the redhead. She's quite fetching... and I think she's a natural one, too!"

He pulled away with a small chuckle and a wink before stumbling a little to leave with the man he just met. At least ONE of them was sober enough to travel by car.

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