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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote,
@ 2013-11-26 16:18:00

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Current location:Seattle, Washington
Current mood: tired
Entry tags:dolemeck, tyler

Demons in Love
Dolemeck came back from another day at work and just looked somewhat tired. He hung up his wool coat on the wall, dropped his backpack (which was often filled with weapons or supplies for wood carving) near the front door, and began to wander into his bedroom, only to open his door to quite a shock. Diana had somehow managed to get into the apartment he shared with Tyler, and was in her natural form. She had on nothing but a black bikini, and her tail was swinging back and forth as their eyes met.

"How did you..." Dolemeck was trying to piece things together before Diana grasped the sides of his face and gave him a kiss.

"I told your land-lady I was a friend coming for a visit and you forgot to unlock the door for me." She spoke after the kiss and smiled a bit. "Well, in my disguise at least. I doubt she would open the door with this appearance."

"Aye, I understand. but you promised to tell me when you were coming to visit, Diana." Dolemeck looked slightly upset, enough that it caused Diana's smile to fade. "My roommate may not approve of... your natural form. No matter how much I find it utterly attractive. He's a bit... cautious when it comes to the super natural."

"Understandable. Not many are like us." Diana spoke in a matter of fact tone of voice. "It just has been so long since I had seen you, and I was worried, Dolemeck."

"I am sorry, I did not mean to make you worry." His hands gently grasped Diana's. His thumbs would move over her knuckles as he held them. "I have just been so busy. Between the Tyrks within the city, my jobs, and trying to get my GED... I am just so exhausted."

"You might be trying to do too much at once, my darling." Letting off a sigh, Diana guided Dolemeck to sit on the bed with her. "I know I cannot be your psychologist due to our personal relationship, but you need to have time for yourself. Doing so much at once will wear you down, and could lead to another break down."

"It is just so hard. I never knew modern life in this era would be so... complex." He flopped back on the bed, placing his hands over his face. "It is not fair to you, either. I feel I have been so wrapped up with things here that I have neglected you, Diana."

"That is why I am here and wish to speak with you." Diana gave another smile as she straddled Dolemeck's hips in a playful manner. "I am thinking of relocating to Portland. It is not too far from here, and it has a very high class area with computer programmers and CEO's who require my services. Plus their minds are always so fascinating to see. No two humans are alike, after-all. Not even twins."

"So... we could spend more time, together?" He asked as his hands dropped down from his face.

"Of course! It will be fun. We can have romantic dates, go on nature hikes, destroy lesser demons..."

"You may have had me at the lesser demon part." His voice came off as a bit more demonic with that statement.

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2013-11-26 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck sniffled a little.

"When you asked me after I killed that Tyrk, if I was okay. I lied to you, Tyler, I am sorry. I wanted to kill every last one of them. I wanted them all to suffer for trying to hurt you and the others."

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2013-11-27 12:00 am UTC (link)
"It's natural to feel that way towards those that would hurt you or your loved ones, but you kept it from influencing your judgement and that's what counts."

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2013-11-27 12:07 am UTC (link)
"Aye." He nodded his head, finally letting go of Tyler. "It's just... he threw a dumpster at you! If I was not there... you could have died! Life would be lonely without you, Tyler."

Finally composed, Dolemeck brought up another important topic.

"I know... you are worried about me being with Diana. May I ask what your concerns are?"

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2013-11-27 12:13 am UTC (link)
"It would take more than a dumpster to kill me. I'm a lot more durable than I look."

And there it was.

"You mean aside from the obvious?"

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2013-11-27 12:17 am UTC (link)
"Aside from the obvious point that she is a she-devil." He let off a small sigh. "I have a feeling there is more you are worried about."

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2013-11-27 12:24 am UTC (link)
"I don't want to question your judgement on this, Dolemeck," Tyler began. "but she said it herself. Only around 1% of demons exhibit even basic neutrality much less goodness."

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2013-11-27 12:27 am UTC (link)
"Tyler..." He looked slightly distraught. "She has been good to me. Making sure I am well both mentally and physically. Taking things very slow with me... and she understands my struggles with being part demon."

"I am trying not to "settle", but I also realize no normal woman would want me. Especially after the first date Argo set me up on."

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2013-11-27 12:38 am UTC (link)
"Dolemeck..you've had some bad experiences with women, but don't give up on them now. Sometimes these things have too happen naturally. As for Diana..I'm sure I don't have to tell you about the legitimate reasons why this would bring up concern." "He sighs once, rubbing his head. "I'm really trying not to question you too much here."

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2013-11-27 12:41 am UTC (link)
"It's okay. I'll answer your questions. We need to have communication as you said. And if you are truly that concerned, then you are not treating me as a child, aye?" He tilted his head.

"Are you concerned that she could corrupt me?"

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2013-11-27 12:46 am UTC (link)
"That's a concern, yes," Tyler admitted. "or she may be after your soul. Demons can play longterm, careful schemes when they want a choice soul."

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2013-11-27 12:54 am UTC (link)
"My soul?" That clearly took him by surprise. "You mean, her helping me through my issues could be... she could be doing all of this just to take my soul and break my heart?"

He now felt like he was questioning his entire relationship with Diana.

"She's never brought up my soul, before, though."

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2013-11-27 01:39 am UTC (link)
Oh geez.

"I'm not saying that's the case..I'm only asking that you be careful. I mean I'm sure you encountered greater demons in Limbo that trafficked in that kind of thing. You should know the signs if that were the case."

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2013-11-27 05:38 am UTC (link)
"The demons I encountered in limbo were very particular in what souls they got. Not every mortal's soul is worth something there." He stood up and started to pace just thinking about it. "Only a select few souls were worth anything, as they could be turned into blades or weapons. And they do not take so much time to "groom" a victim to take their soul, mind you. Victims who had these souls were often dragged into limbo from what I recall."

"Diana shows no signs of being one of those demons. If she were going to seduce me for my soul, she would have done so by now or tricked me into going back to limbo." His shoulders slumped a little. "Why do I fear your next concern is about demon offspring?"

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2013-11-27 04:09 pm UTC (link)
"ACtually..I hadn't even thought of that," Tyler admitted.

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2013-11-27 06:51 pm UTC (link)
"If there was some inkling that Diana was going to do something bad, Tyler... I would not be with her. If anything, she is too good for me. The only concerns I have with my relationship with her is that she will leave me, because I cannot give her what she needs."

"As for demonic offspring... it will not happen. Not anytime soon, at least." He admitted, finally stopping his pacing.

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2013-11-27 07:20 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, Dolemeck, you really need to get past this idea that you're somehow worth less than other people," Tyler said strongly. "No one person is inherently better than another. The only real differences between people are circumstances and personality, take those away and everyone is pretty much the same."

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2013-11-27 08:37 pm UTC (link)
"You are right. I continue to kick myself for no good reason." He gave a small nod. "If we are all the same, do you not have days like that? Where you just feel... bad?"

Dolemeck turned around, leaning his back up against a wall.

"Tyler, thank you for being here for me. It means a lot. You tend to always give me that kick in the arse that I need." That smile soon returned. "Not to change the subject... but umm... it's about Miss Jo."

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2013-11-27 08:48 pm UTC (link)
"Of course I do. It's what makes us human, so to speak," Tyler said with a small smile.

"You're welcome, let's just not get it to the point where my foot gets sore from doing it," he joked. "Oh? What about her?"

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2013-11-27 08:52 pm UTC (link)
"Maybe I should buy you a steel toed boot so this way if you need to kick me, it will hurt enough to make me not want to feel so down." He joked back before speaking about Jo.

"I... kind of like her." He admitted. "I mean, if I was not with Diana..."

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2013-11-27 09:00 pm UTC (link)
He laughs. "That could work."

And then the mood takes another dive. "Dolemeck..can I give you an honest observation?"

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2013-11-27 09:20 pm UTC (link)
"I know. She does not like me in the same way." he grinned. "That does not mean I cannot admire her from afar... and from the back. And have hope that maybe one day she might come around to me."

"Well, if Diana and I do not work out, that is. Though she finds it amusing that I am so curious."

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2013-11-27 09:47 pm UTC (link)
"..I'll admit there's no an appeal to that," Tyler said, reddening a little as he remembered the incident at Jo's place. He shakes the image from his mind.

"Well don't get too wrapped up in the possibilities, Dolemeck. It's good to plan ahead, but don't forget to live in the present."

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2013-11-27 09:58 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, I know. And presently, I am with Diana." He continued to smile. " Should I umm... should I tell her to wear more clothing around you? She has an issue with clothes that tend to hinder her tail, which is why she wears so little when with me."

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2013-11-27 10:03 pm UTC (link)
"That..that may be a good idea," Tyler conceded. "She's..very attractive."

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2013-11-27 10:09 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, she is." Dolemeck nodded his head with a somewhat boyish grin. "I never imagined I would be dating someone so smart and attractive... or into hunting lesser demons such as myself."

"We've been taking things very slowly and she wants me to be comfortable before we do something more... I cannot find a good word for that. Anywho, she plans to move to Portland, soon. So I will be able to see more of her."

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(no subject) - [info]living_dhampir, 2013-11-27 10:13 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-11-27 10:17 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]living_dhampir, 2013-11-27 11:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-11-27 11:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]living_dhampir, 2013-11-27 11:39 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-11-27 11:50 pm UTC

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